Singing of a Siren (Dinah Drake, aka Black Canary)

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He was silent, his calculated movements unable to be predicted by anyone. He was too experienced to be able to be caught off guard by rookies that wanted to terrorize young women. He was vengeance, the retaliation of the innocent taking physical form. He couldn't allow others to suffer what he did in his youth. He needed to eliminate the root of the problem of Gotham and while he would never stain his hands in blood, he did have a mission to see through. He had side kicked the last remaining thug to one of the many crates that were around him, his stance relaxing a bit since he had dealt with every thug around. But he knew that he was still being watched, his paranoia acting up.

He glanced back, looking just as the Black Canary dropped swiftly on the ground. He could see a smirk on her face, blue eyes shining in a peculiar bright that he barely was able to recognize. He knew what she wanted already, her expression telling him everything that he needed to know. She may be able to recognize features as well thanks to her own training, but she was definitely not able to hide her own emotions. He knew that showing them could result in various dangerous situations. He had experienced them, which was something he hoped not to go through ever again.

He was watching her very clearly, her shoulders relaxing slightly as her tongue licked her lips slightly. He huffed silently, his shoulder slouching forward a bit. He hid a slight smile from her, not allowing her to see that he was happy to see her. It had been some days since he had started to see the heroine in front of him as a significant other, which prompted him to act differently not only in his patrols but in his private life as well. He had changed, though barely. But his change was so noticeable that Alfred always had a smile on his face just knowing that he was in a steady relationship with Black Canary.

"Have I told you that you look totally hot beating them up?" Batman huffed, a slight smirk on his face. She was acting way more direct than the other times that they had kissed each other after they defeated any kind of villain. He could feel that something may have happened to her earlier that was making her act in such a way. But he couldn't deny that he loved the attention she was giving him. He was definitely not fond of attention but when she gave him her complete awareness, he knew that she may just well be the one for him.

"Not today at least..." His cheeky remark made her smirk sensually, hands on her hips. Her eyes gave a slight glint, the moon's light being reflected upon them. The refraction of the light made him watch her eyes' full brilliance as she moved slowly towards him. The sway of her hips would hypnotize anyone in the vicinity, but he was definitely not anyone. He was vengeance, he was the Dark Knight, but most of all... He was the god-damned Batman.

In a matter of seconds, she was in front of him. Her eyes were looking at his own in a slight lustful expression. He had gotten used to her lustful moments, which honestly occurred more often than what he expected them to happen at all. Though he had to expect anything from the former singer now turned heroine. She was as unpredictable as they came. He was even surprised when she created a song based around him, but that didn't matter at this moment in time. Her eyes told him what she really wanted out of this situation from the start.

"Well then..." She snaked her arms around his neck, her left leg trapping him in place. Her luscious lips were nearing his own, a soft exhale from his part made everything around them stop. The flames that were giving the light around them, the groans of the unconscious thugs he had defeated earlier and even the soft yet cold breeze coming from the wind didn't matter to the two heroes at the moment. The two of them were snared with each other's eyes that nothing existed around them. "Consider yourself told"

It was then that her lips met his own, his arms grabbing her back and holding her in place. He immediately reciprocated the kiss between the two, their lips not withholding their attraction to each other. Their tongues dance around, a dance over who would dominate their latest make-up session. His eyes were half lidded, watching the beautiful blonde hair woman keep kissing him. Though it was then that he went for the kill, his hands moving down and squeezing her buttocks. That made the former singer moan into the kiss quite loudly, which let him capitalize in dominating their dance even further when the two fell on the cold and wet ground with a soft thud. He was on top, his eyes looking at her momentaneously before the two separated slightly.

"B-Bruce..." She moaned against his ear slightly, his hand caressing her body teasingly. He did recognize that she had been smoking recently through their earlier kiss, her sandy tongue was all that he needed to know that she had been smoking. Even when he had told her that she should eliminate them from her life, since it could affect her powers. But nothing mattered at this moment, not when he started kissing her again. He could talk with her after everything was done right at this moment. He had a Canary to tame right at this moment. "Oh fuck..."

"We are just getting started, Dinah" He whispered, which caused her to shiver in delight. He felt it thanks to the close proximity between the two. While doing something so outrageous out in the open, the two were blinded by their lust for each other. He had experienced this same lust for her days ago, when he showed her just why people called him the god-damned Batman. He left her with a hoarse voice for the rest of the week. And he was going to show her why she shouldn't challenge him ever again. He will make sure of that.

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