The Will to Love (Jessica Cruz, aka Green Lantern)

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"Sir..." Her voice was barely a whisper. She entered the changing room, her hero outfit donned completely. She had a worried face, her features slowly being more noticeable than before. "Barry's awake. We should go down there..." Jessica Cruz, one of the many Green Lanterns that helped the Justice League fight against any evil, communicated. She tried to see if her statement made him get a reaction, but even that was not enough for the man. "How long do you think you'll-"

"I don't know, Jessica" Bruce Wayne, the man behind the Batman, stated. He had many problems as of this moment. Being the leader of the Justice League, trying to make everything work out between everyone and dealing with each outcome that seemingly wanted to destroy him specifically, had brought him to a point where even he didn't know what to do. "Long enough to solve my problem"

Jessica was not an idiot. She fully understood what Batman was talking about when those words made themselves known. The entire Justice League had the same problem, but it seems to concentrate on the Dark Knight. She found it annoying knowing that thanks to the present circumstances had made the hero of Gotham want to leave the team, even for a bit.

"The Fan..." She whispered with hate, the alias of the villain leaving a poor taste in her mouth. It was one of their most annoying villains to date. And she had fought the Joker before, and the Fan was way more annoying than the self proclaimed Prince of Crime. She saw just how the shoulders of the man tensed up, his body expression letting her know that anger swelled up from inside of him.

"The lunatic, yes" His answer was short, deciding that it was not worth even saying much in this situation. Many things happened with him and the Fan, that he just wanted to be over with the villain. He would obviously not kill the man, he had morals to uphold. But the villain was going to make an indefinite stay in Arkham Asylum. He was going to make sure of it.

"That's what a lot of people say about you" She chuckled slightly, her voice trying to remove the tension from the room. It was somber, knowing that she could do nothing to stop the man from leaving the team. But at the same time, it brought her slight happiness knowing that he would be facing the Fan for all of them. That Batman would fight against the Fan for her.

"Occupational hazard" He looked back a bit, looking straight at the green eyes of the brown haired Green Lantern standing behind him. He didn't care about what people thought about him, he just cared about doing the right thing. He had been in this business long enough to know when someone was truly a friend or someone who just wanted to manipulate you. He was known as the best detective of the world for a reason. "I'll expect good things from you, Jessica"

"It's all we can hope for, isn't it...?" She took a step forward, her heart beating loudly against her chest as she kept admiring the handsome face of the hero of Gotham. She could feel just how being near him brought feelings that she had not felt even when she had been with her Green Lantern partner, Simon Baz. It felt amazing, the warm and pleasurable feeling of just being near someone that cared. "Good things..."

She kept staring at him, her lips slightly parted as she began to breathe through her mouth. Her breathing pattern was slightly disheveled, it felt more like she was panting but it was not very noticeable. But she took yet another step forwards, standing face to face with the Dark Knight of Gotham. She moved her hand slowly, touching his body in such a way that allowed her to feel every muscle he had.

"This..." She whispered, her voice sounding very sultry. Her lips were almost touching his own and her eyes were already on the verge of closing completely. She really couldn't deny it any longer, the willpower that she had diminished slightly. But only to be empowered in a matter of moments. She would not allow anyone to tell her what to do any longer, her will was unbreakable. And it was her own will that made her want to be with the hero in front of her. It was at this moment that her hand had reached his neck, snaking itself around. "This is going to be complicated..."

And then she just acted, her rosy lips already touching the lips of the Dark Knight in a passionate kiss. She moaned into it, enjoying the feeling of his rough lips against her own. She knew of Batman's reputation for not having any love life, but she didn't care. She would try her best to invade his life and be a part of it.

Their lips separated briefly, just to meet each other once more. The kiss heated up as time passed. She pushed her body even further against his own, her chest feeling the warmth that his own body provided to hers. She loved the feeling, the wonderful feeling of love throbbing against her chest as she continued to kiss the hero.

"I am going with you..." He heard her whisper, her lips slightly parted from his own. He didn't react to her words, but felt a slight shiver run down his spine. He could even see that the Green Lantern was definitely not asking for his opinion. She was telling him, in other words, that she was going with him and there was nothing he could do to stop her. So he just sighed, closing his eyes. "And there is nothing you could say to change my mind..."

She was already preparing herself for what she was about to do. Regret was as far from her mind as possible. She didn't even felt a slight ounce of it. Because that is what she wanted, and no one would be able to tell her otherwise. Because her will was strong, and no one would defy her will.

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