Shocking Absorbtion (Leslie Willis, aka Livewire)

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"Ah~" She sighed in relaxation, her body resting on the nearest sofa she could find. She had taken refuge in the hideout of her female friends, letting the heat of being followed by the guys in blue die down before deciding what else she wanted to do. It was now a way of life for her, causing mayhem only to hide right where she was and wait it out. She was just thankful that the big guy in blue was elsewhere, because she wouldn't have been able to do all the heists she had been doing if he was in the city. "Now, this is life!"

Leslie Willis, also known as the villainess Livewire, was really enjoying the small free time she had for herself. She glanced at the pile that she had just recently stolen, her eyes shining brightly at the amount of cash that she had gathered of the past week. She could be set for life if she kept going, to keep causing the mayhem that she adored, To receive the thrill of the dangers that came with the job of a villainess. She loved it completely, yet there have been days when not even her thrill seeking heart would calm down.

"I told Harley that she should get more things in here!" She grumbled to herself, bored right out of her mind. She needed something to do while she waited, the hideout almost bared. Though she could definitely see a lot of flora, probably because Poison Ivy also roamed the hideout when she was out of Gotham City. Her eyes did catch a radio, which only made her smirk in response. She sent a tiny lighting bolt from her index finger straight at the radio, activating the device without needing to stand up from her position.

"We've... -formation about... Enterprises" She raised a brow at that, her stylized hair falling back into place as she sat down on the sofa. The only enterprise that she knew of was the one from Gotham, Wayne Enterprises if she was not mistaken. Luthor's business was a corporation and the other companies that she knew of were barely even on the news. Curious about the situation on the radio, she stood up and walked towards the radio to try and see if she could fix the frequency of the signal to be able to hear things properly. "It... Bruce Wayne is here on Metropolis to announce a new proposition that is suppose to help villains reform and be able to earn money like any other citizen"

She blinked twice, her eyes glancing at the haul of bags that she had earned from her villainous actions. She had to admit that doing the same thing over and over again got boring really fast. She needed the thrill of danger or high action to keep her on her toes. It has been what got her invested so much in the life of crime but with how monotonous it has been getting as of late, she was really getting tired of it. And she had to hand it to the man who owned Wayne Enterprises. From all the description she and the others got from Harley, he was the complete package.

"Oh my~" She smirked, softly licking her lips in anticipation. She had a marvelous plan in mind, one that was sure to benefit her completely. It may cause slight chaos between her friends, especially when it comes down to the possessiveness of Harley Quinn. But she could handle her quite easily. All she needed to do was trap her alone with Poison Ivy, and the lunatic would be happy for days. "Let's see what you have in store for us, Mister Wayne~"

She used her powers, transforming herself to living lightning to be able to traverse through the electrical wires that were around the room. It was her preferred method of travel, even going as far as to use it to escape from heroes that were cornering her. She loved causing mayhem, and this plan of her was about to cause lots of it within her little group of female villains. She was about to shock the world, the statement of a lifetime was about to happen real soon.

Time Skip; Wayne Enterprises Branch in Metropolis

"Mister Wayne..." Bruce Wayne was preparing himself for the conference he was going to present soon enough. He glanced to the side, looking at the uncomfortable form of Basil Karlo. He knew just how fearful Clayface could be; interactions between the two had made it clear that the former villain was scared of being the representative of this new branch that he was introducing to his company. And while it was more of a program that he had thought of, it didn't calm down the already nervous former villain that was with him. "Y-Your segment is almost here..."

The Many Loves of BatmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora