Shifts of the Mind (M'gann M'orzz, aka Miss Martian)

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He groaned slightly, his body ached from the beating he received when trying to infiltrate Penguin's Iceberg Lounge. He was blindsided by someone he never expected. He knew that he should expect everything, but even this caught him off guard. Catwoman was seemingly in a relationship with Oswald Cobblepot, the owner of the Iceberg Lounge. He broke his heart slightly, knowing that someone he held dear to his heart went and betrayed him in such a way. But it was his fault to begin with, he shouldn't have trusted her with such delicate information about himself. He opened his eyes, looking at a dark haired caucasian woman in a white lingerie glancing back at him with a hint of annoyance.

"You ruined my cover, Batman" He arched his brow, he obviously could feel that he didn't have his cowl covering his face. So, this meant that someone else knew of his identity as Gotham's Dark Knight. But for some reason, he could feel that she knew the woman in front of him. He struggled to accommodate his body on the bed to gain a clearer view of the female. He could hardly see her, but he did notice the red painted lips. "Now I have to think of another way to infiltrate Penguin's ranks. And I was so close at putting everything together"

"Who are you?" He didn't want to waste any time with the female in front of him. He needed to know if she was trustworthy of his secret. He couldn't risk a female stripper seemingly knowing who he was under his cowl out in the world. He needed to fix this blunder that had just happened. A headache started to annoy him, one of his eyes closing in irritation. He has been having them ever since people started to act as if they didn't know him, and it was slowly starting to annoy him. He knew he could handle it, he has done so for years. But Selina Kyle's betrayal was what broke his guarded feelings. He wanted to rage around the Lounge, to destroy everything in place and expose Penguin one last time for the fraud that he was.

"You won't be able to recognize me in this form, Batman" He narrowed his eyes at the stripper, who just chuckled slightly as she turned around to give him a full view of her breasts which were barely hidden by the lingerie. What shocked him more was just how she slowly began to shift, her entire body changing in a matter of seconds. What appeared to be a caucasian female stripper, ended up being a green skinned red haired beauty who he knew quite well. He still remembers the female, once a member of the younger team of the Justice League and even making it to the main roster of the team. "Good to see you again, Bruce"

"Megan..." He still had his eyes narrowed, looking just how the female white martian in front of him seemingly didn't care about being seen almost naked by the hero. He didn't bring the topic up, mostly because Megan was actually ignoring that she was almost naked right in front of him. He should have really said something, but stopping Penguin came first. He couldn't get embarrassed just because he was in front of a semi-naked heroine. He had a mission to complete. "Why were you undercovered as a stripper?"

"There had been some martian plants that have gone missing, plants that could possibly bring chaos to humans" Bruce did raise a brow at that particular notion. Penguin was definitely not known to steal some plants, that was more Poison Ivy's repertoire. But he guessed that she had substantial evidence that Penguin was also involved in some shape or form. "I tracked down the one who stole them here, and I even saw one of the plants being used to make a couple kill each other while having intercourse with each other" It was then that Batman realized that this was more than what he thought. This was something that must have been carefully planned, which meant that Selina always thought of betraying him, even when the two were together for a bit. It was all beginning to fit into place, ignoring just how the female in front of him sat down on the edge of the bed. "It doesn't affect martians like myself, but for any other species is quite dangerous"

"This could be the start of a deadly organization" He muttered, his hand resting at his chin as he could only hear the alien right next to him let out a soft hum in response. He looked at her, still ignoring the fact that she was semi-naked. His eyes held rage and fury, vengeance in his mind for Catwoman's betrayal. He thought that they could have something beautiful, something unique. But it was all for naught. "What else have you found?"

"Bruce... You need to calm down..." He raised a brow at the soft tone the female in front of him took with him. He was completely calm, slightly angry for what happened with Catwoman and Penguin but that was something he could handle with time. "I can feel it, your fury against Catwoman..." He stayed silent, even as the green skinned female approached him, giving him a closer look at her body. She was still not covered up, not that he could see anything nearby for her to use to cover up. But it wasn't needed, his eyes were locked against her red ones. "We won't be able to do anything if you let your anger rule over you"

"Anger has been a close friend of mine..." He replied, still looking at her without breaking focus. Though in seconds, he felt her hands caressing his temple softly. He relaxed his eyes a bit, focusing on the relaxing touch of the alien. He felt at peace, his rage slowly diminishing away, with only his calculative mind remaining. He could feel just how much Megan cared about him, even if she acted indifferent at the beginning of their conversation. He even felt her forehead against his own, their eyes following each other every second that passed.

"But it doesn't have to be... You have me now, Bruce" He allowed himself to relax in her hold. He knew that he shouldn't have done so, a part of him still trying to think back at what he did wrong with Selina. But in the end nothing could return as it once was, Miss Martian, Megan's codename, was letting him see the truth with her telepathy. The soft yet caring words that resounded through his mind were enough to evaporate any anger that was left in him. "We will do this together, alright?"

"Alright..." He muttered, his eyes closed as he succumbed to the caresses of Miss Martian. He would be able to deal with his villains soon, he needed to think clearly of what he needed to do to be able to capture every single villain responsible for these heinous acts. He knew that Catwoman was in this plan, and he was definitely not going to forgive her so easily. She would be going straight to jail after everything was said and done. But he just wanted to relax right now, and thankfully he had someone there to help him with it.

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