Beat You to the Punch (Alexis Kaye, aka Punchline)

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"End of the line, Punchline" She grinned at the hero, who was falling from the nearest rooftop. She had been purposely letting him track her down, walking a single route to be able to trap the man just where she wanted him to be. She licked her black lips seductively, thankfully the darkness around had been able to hide her reaction. She was also thankful to the red paint of her cheeks, which carefully hid her sickening blush from being shown.

She was Punchline, the newest sidekick of the Joker. She was previously a victim of the Joker, but her interest for the villain brought her a strange feeling. It was the beginning of her career as a villain, remembering the times where she used to be so afraid yet now she was seeking it with gusto. But her more recent interest lay within the hero who would always fight against the Joker, the Dark Knight himself, Batman. He had been on her mind from the start, the hero having saved her from really turning into a victim of the Joker.

It was because of all of this that she grew an unhealthy attachment to the Joker. But at the same time, she also grew one for the Dark Knight. She wanted to feel the already dominating Batman feeling her entire body. She wanted to scream loudly the fact that she wanted to lay with the archnemesis of the Joker. It was because of it that she created something new, her expertise in brewing new toxins for the Joker played an important role in the development of the toxin she was using right now.

"You fell right into my trap, Batsy!" Her plan immediately activated, greenish smoke filled the closed room in seconds. She could hear the blaring sound of the alarm activating, her smirk growing each second she could hear the alarm resound through the room. She inhaled a large amount of her toxin, her body feeling the effects of the toxin she had created in a matter of seconds. She even began to sweat heavily, the liquid slightly erasing her face paint and showing the heavy blush because of the toxin.

Her smirk gained a lustful form as she watched the cheeks of the Dark Knight also darken slightly. Her eyes were not being able to hold back on watching every inch of the body of the man in front of her. Though what surprised her the most was what was underneath the belt, her nether region growing excited by what she was seeing. Never in her life had she seen a weapon of such length or bulk, it was very appealing to her eyes.

"W-What have you done?" She just sat on the green sofa she had prepared for this very special occasion. Her chest felt constricted, wanting to be left free from the shirt that was covering her body. But she couldn't just act yet, she needed to wait a bit further until she could be able to finally have her way with the hero. She just had to wait, to play her hand correctly and be able to achieve her vision. Her hands were playing with her body, giving the hero a slight show before she would claim her self appointed price. "What have you done with me?"

"I filled the room with a poison of my own making" She explained, a slight moan escaping from her lips as her eyes didn't even dare to leave the area of interest. She salivated slightly, already imagining what would happen to her when the time was right. A few more seconds and she would be able to get just what she wants. She breathed heavily, trying to calm down a bit. Yet all it did was excite her even further because of the toxin all around them. "It is a mixture of the Venom toxin and a very potent aphrodisiac" Her eyes were already glazing over. Her mind was slowly growing blank, her eyes looking at the man with heart in her eyes. Because of the Venom toxin, the aphrodisiac would act stronger and would make the two of them revel in the act in a beastly way. Rationality was slowly escaping the room and she knew that sooner or later everything would fall into their rightful place. "T-The only way out is to burn the aphrodisiac from the body~"

"Y-You turned yourself into bait..." Her tongue was hanging limply from her lips, slowly approaching the man. She was crawling, her ears almost unable to register his words. Her desire was already in control, her head near his lower area. She breathed in heavily, a new scent entering her nostrils which only served to empower her need. She even heard the hero grunt in response, which only excited her even further. "I won't let you win!"

"Try all you want Batsy~" She slowly stood up, pushing the man against the wall. Her legs were already snaked around his hips, the hero doing nothing except from holding her in place by her buttocks. She moaned heavily as soon as she felt his strong hands against her rear. Her heart throbbing way faster than she thought possible. She was about to get what she wanted, and she will be getting it. "But in the end, I'll be getting exactly what I want~!"

She moved in, her purple lips kissing his own in one swift motion. She snaked her tongue as quickly as she could inside of his mouth. Her throat was moaning in delight as she finally received one of the many things she wanted from this night. Her beastly side was showing more and more as each second passed all thanks to the combination of the two toxins. She made a very powerful weapon, able to bring heat into any human being that breathed in the gas. But she didn't care right now about anything else except the man she was kissing. Her teeth biting his tongue seductively before heading once more into the kiss. She was sure that she would never forget this night, not that she wanted to forget it in the first place. She planned everything from the start.

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