The Spirit of Music (Siobhan Smythe, aka Silver Banshee)

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She drank a bit of water, refreshing her throat quite a bit. She glanced at all the musical equipment that was around her and could only give out a small smile. She remembered quite clearly the day that she got all of these, a day that helped her restart her life. She would forever be thankful for his gifts, her heart skipping a bit just by remembering him. With those thoughts out of her mind for the moment, she placed the bottle of water down before approaching the microphone.

Heart beats fast

She started singing, one of the two things that brought her peace in this chaotic world. She had given up on having a peaceful life ever since she had been cursed to bear the mantle of the Silver Banshee. And while she still held the powers that it gave her, she was no longer affected by said curse. It was something that she still has to thank Supergirl for, though she didn't know how yet. She shook her head slowly while a smile appeared on her face.

Colors and promises

She grabbed the mic carefully, closing the distance between her lips and the instrument. She was proud of her voice, the one thing that she knew could help her greatly make it far in this new life she had gotten herself. She would always be thankful for it and for those that had helped her get this far. But most of all, she had to thank whoever is in charge of destiny for placing him in her life. Her current partner, the one that she had fallen in love with, had given her privileges that she would never have gotten in her life.

How to be bra-

"Christina Perry?" The male voice echoing through the room made her stop singing abruptly. Her eyes scanned the room in seconds, her eyes finding her lover wearing only black shorts. She slightly blushed, her eyes admiring his sculpted torso for what seems to be the tenth time that day. She could stare at it and never get tired of it. Though she especially loved his smile, one that was being directed to her at this moment. It was nigh impossible to see, but she was not just anyone.

"Is not a song from the Black Canary but is one of the songs I identify myself with" She explained, not denying that the song was in fact from Christina Perry. Though she noticed a small flinch from his part as soon as she mentioned the name of the band lead by Dinah Lance. But she didn't say anything for his reactions, her eyes sending him an apologetic look soon after. She remembers quite well just how everything ended up between himself and the lead singer of the band. "But with others trying to surpass me, I had to at least practice something I am comfortable with, Bruce"

Bruce Wayne, the owner of Wayne Industries, is her lover. A man that gave her, a previous villainess, an opportunity to remake her life. It was still hard to believe most of the time, thinking that it was all a dream. But more than one time has he demonstrated to her that he was actually giving her a second chance. A chance that she took with gusto and a smile on her face. She didn't even hesitate the moment she had gotten the choice given to her. And it was that from that important decision that she got to know better the man that was now behind her giving her a hug.

"If I fall short on the Valentine's Celebration at Symphony Hall..." She didn't even dare to finish the possible scenario she was thinking of. She could feel just how the man behind her hugged her a bit tighter, as if reassuring her about the event at Symphony Hall. It was taking place in about seven days, which gave her enough time to practice. But she was still unsure, insecure about the fact that she may get criticized for being an ex-villain. Her eyes glanced at the man, his eyes looking directly at her.

"You won't fall short, Siobhan..." She loved the confidence that he stated those words. It was one of the many reasons that she fell for him. Even when she was in doubt, he kept on believing in her. Kept on pushing her down the right path. She wanted to be good just for him, to have him by her corner all the days of her life. It was then that she felt one of his hands over her cheek, caressing it softly and with care. "I could hear your voice all day. I wish I had a skill-"

She kissed him, her lips stopping the man from stating whatever he wanted to say. He had many skills; she had seen many of them. He was outstanding, the one man that she had been searching for her entire life. Their kiss ended shortly, with the two separating slowly, but she wanted more. So, with their faces still close to each other, she dived right back into the kiss. She moaned softly against his lips, her hands roaming around until she was able to find both of his hands and gently grab them. She didn't want to let go, but she also still needed to practice.

"You have plenty, my love" She whispered, the kiss ending before she communicated her thoughts. She smiled at him, making him respond with one of his own. She didn't need him to start doubting himself. He is already perfect in her eyes, eyes that could only stare at him with devotion. No other man would be able to earn this kind of affection from her. Bruce Wayne had given her everything she could ever want or need. And she didn't ask for anything else, happy with the way things were at the moment. All she could ever want was for him to stay by her side and never leave her. Because her love would last for over a thousand years.

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