The Omega Effect (Grail)

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"Grail..." She immediately turned her face towards the man who had called her, her eyes staring directly at his own. The only source of light being the bonfire right in front of them, yet it was all the illumination that she needed to be able to see his eyes clearly. His dark eyes were trying to tell her a story, something that he was retaining deep inside. She immediately knew what was happening, years trapped in this hellish dimension with him fighting left and right for survival had made her trust him to a level that she would never have if their previous relationship was still in mind.

Yet all she cared for was the man that was staring at her. She didn't quite like to believe in it but after years practically living together, she had fallen in love with him. She was especially glad that he was a very handsome man behind the cowl he would usually have, hiding most of his face. She smirked his way, her face nearing his own in an attempt to finally be able to show him just how much she cared for him. To show him that for once in her life, she had learned to love.

"Bruce..." She whispered his name, something that she had found out after being trapped in the same dimension with him. Bruce Wayne, or Batman as she better knee him, had been technically forced to show his face to her. She scoffed at first, mocking him greatly for being just a rich boy with technology that had been able to help him keep up with most of his hero group. But years spending time with him, she now knew that he didn't care about such comments. He only cared about the good he could do as the Dark Knight, and she began to admire that tenacity of his.

She was close to him, her dark tainted lips nearly making contact with his own. She could feel his slight ragged breaths upon her lips, which actually made her lick her lips in anticipation. She could hardly wait to snare him into her arms, to finally be able to feel the carnal passion that she had heard from the few furies that had actually had a carnal release in their lives. Yet seconds away, he moved his head slightly back. It made her slightly angry, and she definitely tried to not show her annoyance at the man just escaping from what was happening between the two.

"We can't..." She narrowly opened her eyes, looking at the man in question. He had yet to fully move back, their close proximity still making her feel wanted by the Dark Knight. She knew just why he was not fully embracing the affection he clearly felt for her, he had told her about his marriage ever since the beginning. She knew about it, yet she didn't care. She wanted the man that was in front of her, something that she had realized a few years after the two of them were trapped.

She moved her hand toward the right side of his face, cupping gently his cheek and caressing it with her thumb. She immediately noticed him relax against her touch, which only made her widen her slight smile even further. She could even see just how the man felt for her, he would have never relaxed in such a way if he didn't even feel the same way she did. She just needed to be persuasive, to make him actually forget about the woman that he had proposed to. And with a slight window in front of her, she dived right in for the kiss.

Tasting his mouth with her own had been close to nirvana, a slight moan escaping from her lips as she continued. He didn't try to push her away, which only solidified her way of thinking. He may have picked whoever the one he wanted to marry first, but the one that he wanted was her. And she was there to show him that she was all she needed. She was trusting her instincts completely, the man in front of her actually being the one with the fortune to have her first kiss. She slowly separated her lips from his own, staring at him with a luxurious expression.

"This... This cannot-"

"Why can't it continue?" She interrupted him, her eyes looking at him with love. A slight hint of lust may be there, but she could hardly hold it in. She wanted to taste his rough lips once more, to embrace him completely and never let him go. Everything was so new to her, each and every feeling had been a completely new experience for her. She was loving every second of it and she needed more of it. "You feel the same way, I can see it in your eyes..." She whispered, her lips slowly, but surely, nearing his own once again. She was going slower this time, her eyes staring at him as she drew nearer to her destination. Just as she guessed, he didn't try to stop her. His inaction made her smile greatly, which was also a foreign feeling. She had smiled before, but it was always out of malice, happy to see someone suffer. Yet this one felt more fulfilling, the raw emotions in her heart only growing stronger as each second passed. "I love you... I will fight my father to be with you, if I have to..."

She didn't say anything else, kissing the man once again and letting her actions tell the rest of the story. Kissing him again made the two fall to the ground, with the man landing on the ground while she fell right on top of him. Her considerable stacked chest made immediate contact with his body, something that only made her heart pump even faster. She almost screeched into the kiss as soon as the man also started to reciprocate her actions. She bit his lips accidentally, drawing a string of blood from them. Yet all she did was gently use her tongue to take care of the injury. She would make him forget about that woman soon enough. Because sooner or later, the only woman in his mind would be her. Even if she had to do extreme actions to make those inner wishes come true.

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