Molding Love (Sondra Fuller, aka Lady Clay)

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"You! The bitch that beat me up!" She was forcefully lifted up from the ground, her eyes staring directly to the one man that she had manipulated without any remorse. She looked at him, her mind thinking not about what was happening to her at this moment in time but at what had happened earlier. She had been tricked, the manipulator being manipulated by someone else. It made her realize that in the end, she was still that naive woman who seeked money to have an easy life. That woman who had been tricked many years ago by Strike Force Kobra, a woman who was weak. "You better have a good explanation, or I am gonna spread you all over Gotham!"

"Okay, Payne!" She yelled, her hands instinctively going towards the male's hand which was holding her neck quite tightly. She was, for once, thankful that she was made out of clay or she would have suffocated by now. "I admit it... I tricked you" It was then that she felt the hand tightened around her neck, a soft gasp escaping from her throat as her legs clumsily wailed around trying to escape. Yet even when her lower body was recklessly moving, her upper body was more controlled. "I pretended to be someone else..." She was good at that, at pretending. It was the only reason that Clayface, the original one, had been impressed by her. Yet even with her skills, the man still went out of his way to betray her and leave her for dead. She just wanted to be herself once again, to separate herself from this power that only caused her more distress each passing day. "Used her powers to hypnotize you into doing what we wanted"

"We?" She grabbed his hand hard, softly hitting the hand. The man in front of her, the third Clayface, was really trying to kill her. She definitely didn't want to die, she still wanted to return back to her original form and be able to reenter society once more. She was tired of being defined by judgemental people, people who would talk behind her back. She wanted free of this cage that she blindly entered, one that had no way of escaping from it. "Who else?"

"Basil Karlo" She didn't hesitate to send the man under the bus, he had betrayed her. In her eyes, he could die the next second and she wouldn't care the slightest. If she could kill Karlo herself, she would. She would think of anything she could do to actually kill the original Clayface. But she needed to think of her survival first, escaping the grasp of Payne would come first. "He's the very first Clayface" She felt a tear go down her eyes, making her already muddy skin body turn even muddier. Thinking about it, she could finally escape from her pain. Being killed by the man threatening her was the next best thing to escaping the suffering that was her powers. "But Karlo fooled me too. All he wanted was our blood, to take-"

"I don't care about him!" She shut up, tears falling faster than before. Even if she could finally be separated from her pain, she still didn't want to die. In seconds, her back was in full pain as a gasp escaped from her mouth. She looked up, looking at the disgusted face of the third Clayface. "I believed for even the slightest of moments that I could finally experience love!" She flinched, a guilty expression marred over her face. She was at fault for that anger, at fault for waking up the sleeping giant from its slumber. She wouldn't dare look at him once again, her guilt swallowing her whole. "But I can see now that monsters do not get to experience love..."

She flinched harshly, her eyes looking just as the man sneered at her one last time before walking away from the theater that they were in. That last comment hurt, her heart ached at such harshful comment. She didn't want to believe in the words of the male but with her current appearance, even she started to believe in those words. She wanted to be free of this pain, to finally find her freedom from the chains that had shackled her in complete ruin. She sighed standing up and walking towards the place where she and Karlo had left Batman. The least she could do, to at least feel that she had repented a bit, was liberate him from the pain that she had caused him by making him relive his nightmares.

Her body shifted, transforming once more to the body appearance of Looker. She needed to be transformed into the vampiress to be able to use the powers unique to Looker. She hated being someone else, it was the sole reason as to why she even joined Karlo on this idiotic mission. She wanted to get rid of her powers, to find a way that would be able to make her be normal again. She ignored her current thoughts as she approached the tied up hero. She was going to make things right, even if it ended up with her going to prison.

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