Roses of Demons (Talia al Ghul, aka Leviathan)

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The wind blew her hair softly, the salty scent of the ocean air was refreshing. It had been a long time since she had felt this relaxed. But even with all the positives she was currently feeling, it has not been an easy journey to even be standing right at this moment. The events that happened so that she could be alive at this moment had mentally fatigued her. She saw the submarine that was in front of her was commandeered by people that were with the League of Assassins, the group that her father had built from the ground up. But she had to turn her back to it, her eyes wanting to see the two most important people in her life.

Two men, one more younger than the other, were standing in front of her. The younger man, her son, has had his life completely flipped upside down. She didn't know everything that her son went through to be able to save her. And quite honestly, she didn't want to know. She was just happy that he was alive, even if she barely demonstrated that she cared for him. Then there is the older man, the love of her life and the man who had stolen her heart. She had to control her feelings from soaring through the sky just by being in front of him. His charm was all in his eyes, those dark and mysterious eyes that just kept on attracting her even further.

"Thank you... For my life and the life of my son" She whispered, an almost unnoticeable smile on her face. She wanted to stay besides the man she loves, the two of them making their son the most dangerous person around. But she had her responsibilities with the League of Assassins, having to take the place of her dead father. Because of it, she couldn't see another way out of this. And it was not like she didn't enjoy the position, it was all she had ever wanted but now knowing that she has the position, it feels empty. "But I need to rebuild the league. Make it stronger, better"

She took a step forward, her eyes staring directly at the eyes of the one man that she loves. She wanted to see if she could get any reaction from the man, to see if she could see further into the depths of Batman's soul. Yet all she could ever see were his unnerved eyes staring directly into her own without any fear. Maybe it was because of this feeling of mystery that she kept returning to his arms, even when she had been told many times to forget him. But she couldn't, not while remembering the feelings that he made her feel.

"Come with me..." She extended her hand, a pleading look on her green eyes. She hoped that he would listen to her, that he could see in her eyes that she needed him by her side. She knew that with Batman by her side, that no one would question her leadership in the league. She needed the power now more than ever, now when the league needed to be rebuilt from the ground up. "You and I, together with Damian..." She was trying to manipulate him, to see if she could actually convince the Dark Knight of joining her side this time. She had tried before, at the machinations of her father. But it was not about her father anymore, it was all about her and about what she wanted. She wanted him by her side, to never feel the emptiness that she mostly felt when he was not by her side. "We would be invisible... We could be a family"

"The best way to fix the league is to disband it..." His answer made her sigh in resignation. He was not totally wrong, this problem started because of the greed of the League of Assassins. She only had herself and her son as the last remaining al Ghul's alive, even if her son, Damian Wayne, did not inherit her last name. She was thinking about everything, the idea of disbanding the League of Assassin was appealing. It was so appealing that she even hesitated with her following words. Yet she knew that if she were to disband it, it could cause a revolt in power from the remaining members. Ones that would seek power to get back at her for trying to destroy something that they hold appreciation on. And she was definitely not going to put that big of a target on her back.

"If only it was that easy, my love" She shook her head slowly, her eyes now moving towards her son. Even if it was for the briefest of moments, she saw what were the wishes of her son. He wanted to stay besides his father, yet she could also see that he wanted her in his life as well. She was torn on what she should do to begin with, her heart and mind disagreeing for the first time in while.

"Then come with me, Talia" She opened her eyes wide, the voice of Bruce Wayne breaking her inner thoughts. She would drop everything for a chance like this, it meant that he was willing to open up to her. It made her ultimate decision even harder to make, the eyes of the one who held her heart had gained even the tiniest of feelings on them. She was, for the first time in her life, able to read him and all she could see was the love that he still felt for her. Her throat tightened, her eyes gaining even the slightest of water in them. "Rebuild the league as something else, forgetting the way of blood. Build it on the principles of protection"

She didn't have any answer to his words, they sounded too persuasive. She was honestly surprised that she had not thought about this idea sooner. While it would be a drastic change for the league, it was the change that it needed. She smiled a bit, taking a step further towards the one that she loves to grab Bruce's hand. She chuckled slightly, a small laugh escaping from her lips as she just came to realize that she no longer could be without the Dark Knight.

"Then wait for me, my love..." She kissed him, her lips tasting the lips that were able to melt her cold heart. Her heart soared, the kiss meaning something more than just the normal lust that they would kiss each other with. It was meant to symbolize a promise between the two. A promise that she would return to him and their son over at Gotham City. Their kiss ended short, her eyes fluttering open slowly. She even had the chance to glance at her son, who looked quite disturbed by the show of affection between the two. It almost made her laugh, but she held it in as she separated herself further from the Dark Knight. "I'll be back with you soon enough"

She turned around, walking away from the two men of her life. She kept walking towards the submarine that had been waiting for her conversation to finish. As she kept walking, her eyes just kept their focus on them and just enjoying the fact that she would be able to keep having moments like this. She stopped walking, her feet finally touching the submarine. She winked at Batman, a smirk making its way to her lips as her eyes kept staring at them. She watched them slowly get smaller, the distance growing between them. But she knew that after she does everything that she needs to do, that she would be back in the arms of the man she had a son with. And everything would be worth it as soon as she is back in his arms again.

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