Seasons of Love (Paige Monroe, aka Calendar Girl)

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He was driving through the busy streets of Gotham City, destination already in mind. He had to pick up his date of the night, a woman that had seeked out help from professionals about her dysmorphic disorder. He had been more than happy to help her get over her psychological problems, helping her leave behind her previous actions as a villainess. She wanted to be a model once again, and he was fully supportive in her endeavor to leave her past behind.

As he, Bruce Wayne, was driving to meet up with his date, he received a call. The ringing in his always soundless car made his eyes twitch a bit. He glanced to see who was the caller, looking at the screen where he could see who was exactly calling him. To his surprise, his son was calling him. He raised a brow at that, his son has never contacted him except it was something related to one of his various animals or something about a mission. But he didn’t care at this moment, moving his hand to the screen and touching the green button to answer the call.

“Hello Damian…” Bruce greeted his son, glancing slightly to the screen to see his son sitting down on a sofa with his dog, Titus, right next to him. He immediately looked up towards the streets, staying ever so vigilant to what was around him as to not cause an accident on a very special night for him and his date. He did not want to ruin the surprise he already made for her. He had a few debts he could collect, and he took full advantage of them. “Titus”

Pennyworth tells me you’re romantically involved with a criminal now…” Bruce slightly glared at his son, though since it was as a passing glance his son didn’t notice the expression. He couldn’t judge his son, per say since he always had been chasing down criminals left and right since he started his training. But Damian had to learn that people can change, to be able to do good and leave behind the monsters in the closet. It was what Paige was trying to do.

“Ex-criminal” He kept driving, his eyes returning once again to their usual expression. His glance could be mistaken by a glare, or so said Barry Allen when they started the Justice League. But he had to explain everything to his son. At least before Damian gets the idea that he was more favorable to criminals than other people. He just looked for any opportunity to help his villains reform, and he knew what he had to do to be able to succeed in that process. But he knew that Paige was different, and it didn’t hurt that she was also stunningly beautiful. “And it’s only a date”

There are no ex-criminals, father” Bruce couldn’t help but let out a small sigh, glancing once again at the screen to look at his son. His green eyes held the same expression his blue eyes usually had to them. So Bruce could definitely see the hidden emotions that his son wanted to tell him. He was worried for him, which made Bruce soften his eyes a bit. Damian may not show it but ever since the two had started training and going on missions together, his boy had started to rely on him. But he needed to continue hearing what his son wanted to say. He could at least hear him out. “Only ones who aren’t breaking the law at the moment

Bruce even heard Titus let out a bark, as if agreeing with Damian’s words. He had to hand it to his son, he could really take care of every single animal he had adopted as of late. But he was fearful that they wouldn’t even have space for them. Damian even got his own Bat-Pig, for crying out loud. Bruce didn’t want to imagine just how bit the animal count would get thanks to his son. But he loved him even with his quirks, he was his son after all.

“She’s not like that anymore” He expressed himself with a slight hurry. He was close to where he had to pick Paige up for their date and he was still on his call with his son. He slowed down a bit, giving his son a considerable amount of time to express himself to him. It had been the first time in months since he heard his son talk so much just because he was worried. So, he wanted to take advantage of it. “Damian, I-”

Look, I understand this never-ending mission of ours is a lonely endeavor” Bruce blinked at being interrupted by his own son. He glanced down quickly, watching carefully his son express his opinion on the matter of him dating someone new. He did have to tell Damian just who Paige was on a future talk with his son. But he really was not ready to talk about it any time soon. He felt a slight migraine just thinking of what Damian would say to talk him out of it or to ultimately make matters worse for him. “And if this trollop provides some carnal release, so be it

“Trollop?” Bruce had to hand it to his son, his vocabulary was expanding slightly. But he really didn’t have to use such words to describe Paige. Though in a certain point of view, he could understand his son. There was an unknown woman who was taking the time of his life, time where Bruce could be with his son. So he could not fault him in that aspect, but it was no way of talking about someone he definitely had not met before. “Your slang skills need work”

But I needn’t bring up your past choices in women, including but not limited to my mother-

“Damian I-” Bruce started to speak, trying to interrupt his son because he was nearly at the location where he was to meet with Paige. But his eyes widened slightly, pushing the break before he could really cause an accident. He recoiled back thanks to the sudden deceleration of the car, before he glared at the screen just to meet an indifferent Damian looking his way. His son acted so much like him that it was beginning to scare him slightly.

Not that I’m here to ruin your day, mind you. However, I must insist that you use protection. And another thing, cover your drink-

“Goodbye, Damian” Bruce ended the call, feeling slightly perturbed by what transpired in the last seconds of his call with his son. He didn’t know whether he was consistent with his date with Paige or was he angry. Bruce just sighed, turning the wheel to the right to park himself on the available space besides the street. He immediately saw her walking towards the car, a beautiful raven woman with a black sleeveless dress who was ignoring everyone that passed her by. She is Paige Monroe, previously known as Calendar Girl and a previous villainess who had fought him, as Batman, on rare occasions.

She opened the door, swiftly sitting on the seat and closing the door at the same time. She glanced at him, a smile on her luscious red painted lips. She neared her face towards him, planting her lips against his own in a loving chaste kiss. She smiled at him, her dark eyes shining like onyxes.

"Are you ready, my love?" Bruce asked, a weird but sincere smile on his face. He was still trying his best to better communicate his feelings to others, especially to Paige. She deserves the world, the injustice done to her career as a model has been outrageous. And he was doing everything in his power to help her have her career back.

"As ready as I can be for the surprise you have for me~" Her words were drawn in a sultry tone, which admittedly excited him quite a bit. He glanced at her, a smirk on his face before he drove away to their next destination. He was going to surprise her with what he had in mind, he just hoped that their night would be one to remember and without having to worry about anything Damian said.

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