Asking the Question (Renee Montoya, aka The Question)

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She sighed, her eyes glancing at the male that was furiously typing away words at one of the most advanced computers she had ever seen. It had not been long since she and Batman had completed a cold case that had reopened. And she was certain that after living through the case, that she would never underestimate people like Tweedledee and Tweedledum. The idiotic pair irritated her beyond belief, almost wishing she would have put a bullet in their foreheads. At least she would be doing society something good by eliminating the villains. But she knew that she shouldn't get to their same level, that she needed to act with more clarity.

And now she finds herself looking at Batman over at his computer. She could notice the anger in his arms, the slight erratic trembles were making her make a small smile. The case had, surprisingly, made the two get to know each other better. She mostly gained her information about the man from her previous flame, Katherine Kane; a woman who not only was the cousin of Batman but the heroine called Batwoman. And all she could do was sigh at the narrowed view that Kate had of her own family. With Batman being more than what Kate had described in their past.

"Hey... Calm down..." She said, walking towards the male. She saw that he stopped his furious writing, giving the keyboard a bit of time to rest. The side glance that the hero gave her only confirmed her that he was feeling guilty. The case had been a full rollercoaster ride, ups and downs every single moment. She would forever be in the debt of the Dark Knight, but he had to let go of that anger. It was not his fault; the people responsible were now in Arkham's Asylum. "It's not your fault..."

"This never should have-"

"Hey..." She interrupted him, her right hand moving towards his cheek. She forced him to look at her, to face her during this conversation that the two of them were having. She could see that even behind that cowl that hid his face, was the face of a man whose guilt was bigger than most people she had worked with. "You found me when it counted..." She added, her mind reminding her of those moments. Moments where she had been unceremoniously captured by the two idiots. She had never been embarrassed to this degree in her life, and what made it worse was that she had to hear the two of them argue with one another for hours. Thankfully, it was then when the Dark Knight came to her rescue; not even making a single comment about the degrading state that she was in thanks to the villain duo. He just helped her, a help that she definitely didn't refuse. "You brought me home..."

She was trying to be as honest as she could. She perfectly knew that her words could be mistaken for something else entirely. Her voice didn't need to hold such kindness, didn't need to sound so grateful for what he did for her. But it was the only way that she knew he would let go of his current guilt. And she could see it, just how his guilt diminished, even if it was by a mere inch. Her words had managed to reach the hero across from her and managed to calm him down. Yet she could see just how her work vanished in seconds, the hero lowering his gaze slightly.

"Not fast enough..." She frowned, once again moving his head with her still cupped hand over his cheek. A slight glare was formed on her face as she let the hero know from her mere eyes that it was not his fault. It was the only thing that she could do at this moment. She didn't know whether it was because of the silence or the tension that she knew had been formed between the two over the course of the investigation. But a slight heat invaded her body, with a slight pink-ish hue over her cheeks being the only physical change that happened to her.

"Bruce, stop" Enough was enough, she needed to let him know whether he liked it or not; that it was not his fault. She knew what kind of life this pertained, she voluntarily signed up for this every single time that she dons her suit. It was what kept motivating her to keep pushing, motivating to be a better woman. One that was worthy of having the mantle of The Question. "You've never been someone who let's regret stop him..." She moved closer to him, her lips almost near his own. She had to admit that he was very handsome, a man that she would definitely give a chance at being together. It was a long shot, since her preferred partners were people of her same sex. But she could admit that she had been curious here and there. Though with the tension between herself and Bruce, she had to admit that it felt amazing trying to solve the enigma that was around them. "And you can't start now..."

It was then that she steeled herself full of valor and did the unthinkable. She closed the proximity that she had with the male in front of her. Her lips savored the ones that belonged to the Dark Knight. It brought her slight excitement feeling the roughness that she has never felt before. She had been too accustomed to being kissed by females that it was kind of exhilarating being kissed by a male. A new experience that she was beginning to like more. Unfortunately, their brief moment together had to come to an end. Her eyes slowly opened once more as she looked straight at him.

"But clearly you had the right idea..." She cheekily added, her smile turning into a slight smirk. It came to no surprise that she was now acting this way with the hero. The connection that the two of them now had has been strengthened by the single kiss that they shared together. She glanced at the computer that was right behind the hero, the man clearly glancing backward to see it at the same time as she did. But it was not long before he redirected his eyes once more at her. "Back to work, this can wait..."

"I think we have a few minutes..." She only smirked, her eyes closing in bliss as she once again felt the lips of the man in front of her touch her own. She tried to be more controlling during their kiss, but it was futile. The hero had her weak the moment he caressed her neck. She moaned into the kiss, her arms instinctively snaking their way towards his neck. She pulled him further into the kiss, one that was making her show emotions that she never expected to show with anyone. The kiss ended slowly, a smirk in her face as she could see his very own smirk. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again..."

"Promise?" She asked, a traitorous tear escaping from her left eye. The sole response that she had from the hero was a caring hug. She hid her face in his Kevlar armor, a smile on her face as she hugged the hero back. This was definitely something that she never expected to have. But now that she had a taste, she didn't want to let go. She was more than happy to stay beside him forever, the Dark Knight showing her more care and compassion than her previous partner. But she pushed those thoughts to the back of her head; because all she wanted to do now was enjoy the warmth that he was providing her with.

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