Empathic Wonders (Bekka)

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She was able to open her Boom Tube in time, escaping Tartaros alongside the one her heart had chosen and two others. They had escaped from the cataclysm that was sure to swallow them whole, to render their lives void from the essence they had inside. She stood besides her love, her heart at peace just by being besides him. She even saw some ducks flying away because of the Boom Tube's sudden appearance. She slightly smiled, happy to be out of the hellish place.

"I don't think the park has ever looked better" She glanced at the friend of her love, carrying an unconscious man in his grasp. She saw him levitate slightly, adjusting the man a bit before looking down towards them. He had a grateful smile on his face, one that she replicated for a moment to let him know that she was also grateful for the sudden help he provided at the end. "I'll take Crane to the police infirmary. See you in a bit"

She and her love watched him go, the body slowly diminishing until she could no longer see him. It was then that she took advantage of her time alone with her loved one, turning around and looking at him straight to his dark eyes. Eyes that kept on captivating her, that were drawing her closer to him. She might be married, but her powers worked in strange ways. While she could control her powers, they would often work on their own while in the presence of someone that is capable of loving but does not want love. It doubles the effect of her powers, which was the reason that she felt as drawn further to her loved one and slowly forgetting about the one she was married to.

"Do we wait for him?" She asked, mostly out of courtesy of the man who ultimately helped them escape from the blast that would have killed them. But she did not want to wait, all she wanted was to embrace the man even further. To stay in his grasp and never let go. Her hand was on his muscled chest, feeling the throbs of excitement coming from his heart. She could not only feel his love, but she could clearly see it in his eyes. He loves her as much as she loves him, it was another effect of her powers.

"No, my love" She felt her heart racing a bit at that, her face nearing his face to kiss him once more. She still remembers the passionate feeling of having him inside of her, her legs shook slightly just at the thought. It had been the best sexual interaction she has ever had, something that even her husband, Orion, was not capable of accomplishing. Her lips were mere inches from touching his own, already feeling his breath against her lips. But a strong wind interrupted them.


She looked up, her eyes widening in shock as she saw her husband riding his preferred method of transportation. She could see his eyes, dark eyes that were looking at her loved one in disdain. Anger was noticeable in his eyes, which was something that she could not accept. Yet even as she knew that her husband was right in front of them, her hands were reluctant to let go of the one that had loved her like no other. She tried, she really did try, but her body was not obeying her orders.

"Orion!" She was finally able to express herself, shock voiced through her vocal cords and out of her mouth. She trembled slightly, her mind remembering the good and bad that she had experienced with Orion. She really did love him, it was the reason that she accepted him as her husband. But when her mind went back to her current loved one, she couldn't help but notice that everything was always good with him. She may have barely escaped from death, but every single moment he was besides her. He was protecting her every second that they were in Tartaros. And she had a difficult decision to make, a decision that was to be made at that very moment. Would she go with Orion or would she stay with Batman, her current love one?

"Bekka... I love you..." She heard his whisper, her eyes glancing at the Dark Knight besides her. From what she knew of the man, he has never allowed himself to completely fall in love with someone. The fear of later on being rejected was laid dormant in his mind, she had felt it because of her empathic powers. She didn't want to hurt him, but she also did not want to hurt Orion. No matter which decision she makes, she would break someone's heart. But those were the consequences of being the New God with her powers concentrated on the concept of love.

"I..." She stuttered, unable to even make up her mind. Digging deeper into her memories, she remembered that she was always in danger with Orion. People resented him for some of his decisions, especially when he had decided to confront Darkseid many moons ago. And while Batman also has the ire of Darkseid's people, they would have a harder time to strike her down on Earth than on her home with Orion. Hardening her heart, she made her decision. One that she knew that her heart would appreciate more. "I'm sorry, Orion. I'm staying here"

She slowly removed her ring, throwing it towards the New God. He looked at her in shock, yet it was not long before he glared at her direction with hatred that she had never seen in his eyes. She knew that he was entitled to hate her, and she had terminated their relationship. Yet she expected him to understand that she didn't feel the same any longer. That her heart belongs now to someone else. Guilt coursed through her entire body, even as she watched him disappear into nothingness. She was about to break down crying, but the warmth that suddenly engulfed made her realize that she was not alone.

"Thank you for staying with me, my love" She hiccuped once, a soft smile making its way into her face as she turned around. She couldn't wait any longer, and kissed him straight on the lips without caring that they would get caught. She really did love the Dark Knight, her heart melting just by feeling just how their lips connected with each other in such harmony. She loved him, her arms snaking towards his neck.

"You're a lucky man, Bruce" She stopped the kiss, glancing towards Batman's friend. Superman, who had come with them, slowly levitated down to the ground with a smirk on his face. She smirked towards her one and only, looking at the smile on his face. She lost herself in his dark eyes, the depth it provided was more than enough to look into a sea that desperately wanted someone. And she will be that person, staying by his side forever. She kissed him once more, a shorter kiss compared to the most recent one.

"I really am, Clark" She giggled softly, the trio slowly walking away from the park. She wanted to get to her newest home, a destination that she was more than excited to see fully. It was a moment that would completely change her life, yet she did not care at all. She was happy with the decision she made, unable to even think what she would have done if she had decided to go with Orion. She quickly eliminated the thought from her mind, forgetting about Orion completely. She was in the hands of the one that made her feel more alive than ever. And she wouldn't change anything for this new life she was now part of.

The Many Loves of BatmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora