As soon as Maelor set eyes on Viserra from across the way, he began to dart in her direction. Leaning down, she caught the boy with open arms, lifting him up in one swift motion just to settle him on her hip.

"Sȳrī rȳbā?" She asked, tickling his side as he giggled and squirmed in her arms. Are you listening well?

Viserra walked to meet the others under the tree, noticing Aemond watching her with a careful eye. His expression remained neutral yet there was something underneath she could not decipher. Seating herself on the ground in the most ungraceful manner, she found it difficult to mind her skirts while holding on to a wriggling toddler.

As soon as she was settled with the boy on her lap, she grabbed a small sandwich off a silver tray to hand to him. The little prince's eyes lit up with delight as he eagerly accepted the offering and wasted no time shoveling it into his mouth. Jaehaera's big round eyes caught Viserra's attention and she smiled at the girl, inviting her to join her brother. She did not need to be invited twice, jumping right up and coming over to sit at her side.

Aemond's eye followed her as she abandoned him to sit next to Viserra, the start of a smile beginning to appear on the edges of his lips. "They are quite fond of you," he remarked, his tone casual yet curious.

Viserra looked down to observe the little ones' ease in her presence. She would not deny that she had also grown quite fond of them as well. Though part of her felt just a bit of sadness tug at her heart. These children, so innocent and impressionable, deserved more than to be confined within the castle walls with the fate of their parents unknown.

"Of course they do," she replied softly. "They are children who crave love and attention, though they do not interact with anyone other than their nursemaid, septa, and your mother."

Aemond looked at her, absorbing the truth in her words. He had not thought about how lonely his brother's children must be. He had felt alone much of his childhood, but he could not deny that he had at least grown up with the freedom to interact with others.

"I have been with Helaena all morning," Viserra spoke, changing the direction of the conversation. "She did not seem to mind my presence and I spent a few hours reading more of Valyrian histories. I intend to return in the morning if you would like to join me once more."

Aemond flashed her a smile. "I admit that your idea of spending time with her is a wise one," he replied. "While you were there, I attempted to see Aegon today, but my mother forbade it."

Viserra raised her eyebrows, surprised that Aemond had taken the initiative on his own. "The new Prince Regent must still obey his mother's commands?" She tried to relay teasing in her tone though in truth, she had thought his newfound authority would certainly work over Alicent as well.

Aemond quickly gave her a warning look. "I do not wish to upset my mother as she so dutifully cares for her two incapacitated children."

He had a point and there seemed to be little reason to push any further on the matter. It was probably a wise idea to pick their battles with the dowager queen. She did not know what it was like to be a mother watching such things befall her family, but she did know they did not need to be the cause of further distress.

Glancing down at the children, she chose not to continue on the conversation knowing that distracted little ears often caught more than they would let on. There was no need to speak of things that would upset them as the world had been cruel enough to them already.

The afternoon passed quickly as they all roamed around the gardens. Jaehaera remained close to Viserra's side, content to clinging to her hand and occasionally branching out with her brother. Meanwhile, Maelor seemed unaware of the chaos in their world, bounding from bush to bush in search of anything that wriggled or crawled.

Inviolable Bindings | Aemond & Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now