LXXI. The War: Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem

Depuis le début

Observant bastard.

"I think I'm going to have to break up with you. You know me too well now," Regulus joked around.

James just laughed and placed a big and dramatic kiss on his lips. "Sure you are, Reggie."


January 10, 1979



Evan was smoking a cigarette, glass of whiskey in his other hand, against the wall of the back of the Carrow Mansion. Today was Alecto and Yaxley's wedding. Evan had snuck off right after the reception ended.

He heard the crunch of twigs to his left and he turned his head to see Barty approaching him. Barty held out his hand and Evan passed him the cup. Barty took a drink of it and his face wrinkled in disgust.

Barty coughed. "Holy hell, that is terrible."

Evan laughed at his boyfriend and he took the cup back and placed it on the ground. "It's not bad, you just can't handle whiskey."

Barty pulled something out of his pocket and held it out to him dramatically. It was a red rose. "A rose for my rose."

Evan felt himself blush and he let out a breathless laugh as he took the rose from his boyfriend.

"Get it, because your name is Rosier." Barty cringed, "Shit, you don't get the joke do you?"

Evan gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "I get the joke, you dork. Thank you, the rose is very pretty."

Barty looked a little embarrassed and flustered still. "It's only fitting. You are very pretty too."

"Your certainly flirty today."

"The wedding is putting me in a romantic mood," Barty explained as he lightly tucked at his blazer, urging him to step forward.

Evan did as he was told. "Is it now?"

Barty held onto his hips, pressing their bodies together. "You look so fucking hot in this suit, Ev."

Without warning, Barty crashed their lips together and he backed them up so Evan's back was pressed up against the wall. He put his knee in between his legs to pin him in place. Evan kissed him back eagerly as his head spun.

It took him a moment to become aware of their location again. He broke the kiss and let out a giddy laugh. "Not out here, Bee. We are going to get caught."

Barty pouted but he let Evan drag him by the hand into the mansion. They made it about halfway down the hallway before Barty's lips were on his again. He broke the kiss again, fighting the urge to melt into Barty. He turned the doorknob to the nearest door and kicked it open with his foot, pulling Barty in with him.

Barty's eyes went wide and Evan heard panicked shuffling behind him. He spun around to see Wilkes and Amycus standing there, what they had been doing before they were interrupted obvious.

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