VI. Second Year: Not Very Friendly Competition

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September 29, 1973



The school year so far had been good. Regulus was top of his classes and he had his best friend, Hezekiah. So far, it was much better than his first year.

Today was Quidditch tryouts. Him, Hez, and Aidan were all walking to the Quidditch tryouts. As they drew closer, Regulus saw the Quidditch team in their maroon Quidditch robes bustling around happily. He could just make out his brother and James play wrestling amongst the crowd. He spotted Frank Longbottom, their Quidditch captain, getting the names of the students trying out as they arrived.

When they arrived at the entrance, Frank spoke. "Names and Quidditch positions?" He asked, not looking up from his sheet of parchment.

"Hezekiah Fawley. Chaser," Hez spoke first.

"Aidan Barron. Beater."

"Regulus Black. Seeker."

At the name, Frank looked up and a smile appeared on his face. He thrust out a hand to Regulus. "Nice to meet you, Black. I've heard a lot about you. I've also heard you are quite good, I hope you won't disappoint me."

Regulus reluctantly shook the fifth year's hand. "I won't," He replied dryly.

"Not as friendly as your brother are you?"

"Well, I'm not my brother so I suppose," he snapped.

Frank held his hands up in surrender before jotting down their names. "Good luck to you all."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

Regulus was sitting with his back against the lockers. On the other side of the lockers some of the other students trying out were hanging out. "Are you worried about a certain Black stealing your quidditch spot, Killian?"

Killian Flint, who Regulus knew all too well from Sacred 28 party's, let out a scoff. "Me? Scared of Black? Yeah right, that little coward and traitor couldn't beat me if he tried."

"Be quiet, Killian! You do realize he's on the other side of those lockers right?" A girls voice scolded.

"So what, Wood! That little cowardly traitor deserves to hear everything I'm about say! I mean imagine betraying your family when they are one of the most powerful in the wizarding world. I mean no wonder his brother doesn't talk to him anymore." Regulus hated how much those words stung. A tear rolled down his cheek and he could feel the rest threatening to spill out of his eyes. "I certainly wouldn't. He deserves all those stupid curses his parents throw at him, he asked for it. And do you guys want to know a funny story th-"

"Shut up!" Regulus yelled, tears now streaming down his face. Why was he this sensitive? It was pathetic. He hated how Killian knew exactly what to say to upset him. He was trying to get in Regulus's head and it was working.

Killian and his crowd of friends walked over to him. When they saw him, many of them burst out laughing along with Killian. "Of course you are crying, Black. You are such a fucking sissy."

"Have you got what you wanted, Flint? To embarrass me in front of your stupid friends?!" Regulus spat.

A satisfied smirk appeared on Killians face. "I actually have. I think we both know you don't have the guts to try out now." He walked in front of him and got close to his face. "Because at the end of the day, we all know you are just a pathetic little coward." Killian gave him a little shove on the shoulder before him and his friends exited the locker room.

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