XII. Second Year: Aidan Barron Is *Surprisingly* A Genius

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March 20, 1974 (Wednesday)



"What if we pull a prank on the whole school?" he asked from his spot on his bed.

His three roommates looked up curiously at him from their spot on the floor beside his bed. "Like the marauders do?" Kian asked.

"Yeah, exactly! Except we would pull a better and more creative prank than they ever have. Just imagine we pull the best prank hogwarts has ever seen and then they get blamed for it and they all get in trouble. It would be hilarious!"

"But, wouldn't we want our grand accomplishment to be known? Why should they get all the credit?" Hez asked.

"Sure, the praise would be nice, but them getting thrown under the bus for this would be even funnier!"

"He has a point. I would love to see the look on Sirius's face," Regulus said with a mischievous grin. "I'm personally all for this prank."

Aidan smiled back at him and patted him on the shoulder, "I knew you would understand me, Reginald."

"But what would the prank be if we did it?" Kian pointed out. "They have done some pretty good pranks. It would be hard to top there's."

"It needs to be something muggle related. It needs to something they never in a million years would have thought of doing," Regulus explained.

His three friends turned to him expectantly and he thought of all the countless ones they could do and when the idea came to him he couldn't help, but smirk. "Oh, I've got the perfect prank and it's gonna scare the shit out of the non-muggleborn or half-blood first years."

"What is it?" Regulus asked leaning forward eagerly.

"Elmo," Aidan said with a smile.

Kian burst out into a laugh, clearly automatically knowing where he was going with this. "Holy shit! That is so mean, but it's genius, Aidan. Truly genius."

"What is Elmo?" Hezekiah asked.

"Well basically there is this show called Sesame Street in the muggle world that has been playing for the last five years. I told you two about movies and shows right?" Aidan asked his two pureblood friends and they nodded. "Well, one of the characters is this baby muppet named Elmo. He is like this red furry monster. I think he is supposed to be funny for little kids, but his laugh is kind of terrifying. So I thought that maybe we could cast some charm on the school halls so that all you hear is Elmo laughing over and over again."

"I don't really understand anything you just said, but it sounds like a good idea," Regulus responded, his confused evident.

"Yes, but how would we do it?" Hez asked.

"Kian, Reg, and I will figure out a spell, but your job within the next week is to speak with your little Muggleborn friend. We better hope he has a tape or something with Elmo's laugh because I feel like we are going to need it."

"Ezra? You need me to get his help?"

"Uh huh."

"But, he will know that it's us doing to prank then," Regulus pointed out.

"Well, we better hope he keeps it a secret then. Tag you're it, Fawley," Aidan said.


March 21, 1974 (Thursday)



Hezekiah was leaning against the wall outside the Hufflepuff common room waiting for Ezra. People kept on giving him strange looks as they stepped into their common room, but he ignored them. When he spotted Ezra's ginger hair amongst the crowd he walked over to him. "Hez? What are you doing here?" Ezra asked him when he saw him.

"I need your help with something, but you can't tell anyone about it okay?" He explained. "Do you promise?"

Ezra gave him a skeptical look, "Okay, I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Kian, Regulus, Aidan, and I are planning a prank on the school and we need something for it. Please tell me you have a tape or something of Sesame Street."

"Sesame Street. Why do you four need a tape of Sesame Street? What kind of prank are you planning?"

"It doesn't matter. Do you have one?"

"Weirdly enough I actually do. I don't even know why I brought it, it's not like I can watch it here, but I like to listen to it. It reminds me of home."

He let a exhale of relief, "Oh thank godric, I was convinced Aidan was going to murder me if I didn't get a tape of bloody Sesame Street which I'm still very confused on what that even is by the way."

"Your pureblood brain couldn't handle Sesame Street. It would explode, Hez," Ezra teased before gesturing towards to opening to the common room. "I'll be back, stay here."

Ezra returned and he handed him the tape. "Thanks, I appreciate it Ez," he thanked. "I promise I will get it back to you safe and sound."

"You better, Fawley. Good luck on your prank."


March 29, 1974 (Friday)



They spent the next eight days finding a spell and casting it in all the corridors in the school. Hez's ability to learn how to cast spells fast was really the savior of the prank.

They were all now sitting in the great hall for breakfast. The spell was set to go off any minute now. When it did go off and Elmo's laugh echoed off the walls, the whole hall burst out into chaos and confusion. The four of them all burst out laughing.

Regulus locked eyes with Ezra Bozzeli at the Hufflepuff table. He was laughing at them and shaking his head.

The marauders were immediately escorted and out the great hall by Mcgonagall and Regulus was sure that they no doubt got detention for weeks.


1 more chapter left for 2nd year! It'll be short to so I'll probably upload it within the next hour or so. I also already wrote the first chapter for third year because I had the idea in my head so that will also be published back to back with the next one along with the Part 3 section thing.

Words: 962

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