VIII. Second Year: James Potter Is Going To Kill Someone

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November 2, 1973 (Friday)



Regulus flicked his practice snitch around nervously in his hand. The first Quidditch match was tomorrow and he could feel to pressure bearing down on him more and more every minute. Longbottom was practically counting on him to catch the snitch which Regulus found very foolish. He may be good, but if he got hurt for some reason, the team was screwed.

He had just finished his last class of the day. Unlike other days, Regulus was alone. Hezekiah was sick so Regulus had pretty much been left alone for the last couple days. Besides Kian in potions of course. Regulus did have to admit that for a half-blood, he wasn't bad.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when a voice from behind him called out his name, "Black!"

He spun around to find the source of the voice. He came face to face with a familiar female Gryffindor. Delina was the new keeper for the Quidditch team. Her older brother had just had just graduated last year so she had taken his position as keeper. Her wavy brunette hair fell just to her shoulders (it was usually styled half-up-half-down). She always seemed to have a smile on her face and twinkle in her big brown eyes. She was slightly shorter than Regulus which made her the shortest on the team. "Wood," he greeted politely, trying to sound somewhat enthusiastic.

She let out an awkward laugh seeming to sense his fake interest in anything she had to say. "Well, I know you are probably like why is she talking to me right," she let out another small laugh. "So I'll just get to point and skip the small talk. Aidan and I are about to go practice some Quidditch before the game tomorrow so I figured I would offer for you to come along if you wanted to. Alice, Franks girlfriend in case you don't know, is coming along too. She is actually a pretty decent seeker. She played half of last year until she broke her arm, but you would know that of course. So yeah, she could probably face you off and give to you a little more practice before the game."

Regulus nodded slightly and briefly considered the offer. "Well, I guess some more practice can't hurt can it?"

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When Regulus reached the opening to the pitch, he had an unpleasant surprise. "I think you failed to mention that Potter would be here."

Delina looked highly confused, "I didn't invite him. I have no clue what he is doing here."

As they reached the three other Gryffindors, James spoke, "Black! What a pleasant surprise. I didn't even know you were going to be here."

"I could say the same thing about you. You seem to follow me everywhere this year. What am I? Your new obsession? Did you finally give up on Evans," Regulus spat.

James rolled his eyes before stepping closer to him, "Don't be so full of yourself, Black. Of course you aren't."

Alice seemed to sense the tension growing between them because she quickly changed the subject, "Alright well let's get to practicing."

So that's what they did. Alice caught the snitch before him a couple times, but Regulus still ended up winning more times. Him and James made rude comments to each other the entire time. The fake concern that James had for him at tryouts was now gone.

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November 3, 1973 (Saturday)



"Welcome to the first Quidditch match of the season, ladies and gents! Gryffindors vs. Slytherins!" Ezra Bozzelis voice came over the speaker. James and the rest of his team nervously mounted their brooms. "First lets start with our Gryffindor team! For keeper we have Delina Wood." Delina flew out the tunnel and performed some tricks for the stands. They cheered her on. "For beaters we have Aidan Barron and Sirius Black!" Sirius and Aidan flew out. "Next we have our chasers, Frank Longbottom, Hezekiah Fawley, and James Potter!"

James took off after Frank who was in front of him. James flew a couple of laps around the pitch before blowing a kiss in the direction of the Gryffindor stands. He watched a handful of first and second year girls fawn over the kiss. "And last, but certainly not least, is the Gryffindor seeker, Regulus Black!"

Regulus flew out on his broom and did a lap before lowering himself next to Hezekiah on the field. James never failed to be mesmerized by Regulus when he was flying. There was just something so... majestic about it. James found it hard to peel his eyes away from the younger boy. But I mean that was normal right? It's not like he was the only one.

The Slytherin quidditch team was announced next and James shook hands with them as they landed in front of him. When the quaffle was released into the air he took off and his brain was immediately in Quidditch mode. He flew around effortlessly, tossing the quaffle around, scoring goals, and dodging bludgers. An hour in, him and Frank were leading the team. They were a couple points in front of Slytherin. Fawley was falling behind. He didn't seem to be in the right mindset, but he was still getting over his cold. Frank seemed to be getting stressed. Hezekiah had been nearly hit by bludgers many times which kept Aidan pretty busy. Sirius had decided to mirror James the game because he had become the main target.

Occasionally, James would let his eyes fall to Regulus. He was still hovering in the air searching for the snitch. Evan Rosier was carefully watching him for the slightest shift in Regulus's face, any hint that he had spotted the snitch. About an hour and a half in, Regulus did spot it. He immediately took off on his broom and Rosier immediately flew after him.

Rosier was fast, but Regulus was faster. He was clearly going to reach the snitch first. Well, that was until everything went haywire. Regulus's broom started to move up and down and side to side. The stands erupted in laughter as Regulus tried to gain control of his broom. James clearly knew this was not Regulus's doing. Regulus was an extraordinary Quidditch player, there was no denying it. Something like this wouldn't just happen. Someone was clearly jinxing his broom.

James Potter was going to kill someone. He let his eyes instinctively fall to Killian Flint. He was laughing with his friends and pointing at Regulus, but his wand wasn't raised. James desperately scanned the stand, but he couldn't find the source of the spell. "This isn't fair! This is cheating!" Frank yelled.

Evan seemed like he was about to catch the snitch, but then Regulus, being the stupid fucking idiot that never wanted to lose that he was, leaped of his broom and closed his fist around the snitch at the last second. As he fell, he caught the end of his broom so that he was just dangling from the air. Sirius, who has already flown over there, grabbed onto him and helped lower him to the ground. The Gryffindor stands erupted in applause. As soon as the Gryffindor team landed on the ground, Frank and Sirius lifted Regulus onto their shoulders. The stands started to chant his name and James joined them.

Regulus Black was still quite the mystery to him, but James didn't mind the constant mystery. He was determined to figure out who Regulus truly was under the walls he put up.


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