V. Second Year: First Day

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James had in fact seen Sirius over the summer. Sirius had managed to sneak out one day in August when their parents went to on a trip somewhere (James didn't care to ask). Sirius had wanted Regulus to come with, but Regulus had refused to come because according to Sirius "he didn't want to go to stupid Potters house."

Apparently Regulus had let down some of his walls around Sirius, but Sirius had mentioned that he still thought Regulus was too scared to show he was talking to Sirius again around their parents. Sirius seemed optimistic that Regulus would be more friendly with him at Hogwarts. James found that somewhat hard to believe.




Regulus weaved his way through the crowed platform trying to to find his friend. When he finally spotted his friends mess of brown hair and Hez spotted him, Hezekiah tackled him into a hug. "Reg!" He exclaimed.

Regulus couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face as he hugged his friend back. He felt like he hadn't seen him in forever. "Hey, Hez," he replied.

Sirius and none other than James Potter approached them as they pulled away from each other. Sirius grabbed his arm and started pulling him onto the train. "Come on you are sitting with me and James, Reginald."

Regulus tried helplessly to push him away. "Let go you prick! Isn't your compartment full anyway!"

James answered that for him, "Nope. It's Peter's sisters last year here so he wants to sit with her and her friends. Remus is sitting alone because he wants to sleep in quiet."

"Why? Why can't he just sleep tonight or in your compartment. He is probably used to it by now, he shares a dorm with you idiots!" Regulus pointed out.

James and Sirius shared a look. So they were clearly hiding something. "The point is, there is two open spots so you and Fawley are sitting with us whether you like it so just shut up and follow us," Sirius ordered.

"Okay, mum," Regulus sneered, sticking his tongue out at his brother. Sirius returned the gesture.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

That was how Regulus ended up in a train compartment with Potter, his brother, and Hez for 9 bloody hours. James kept on throwing his stupid snitch in the air. "So are you two going to try out for the Quidditch team this year? Sirius tells me you are quite the seeker, Black," James asked.

"I am," Regulus said pointedly. "And yes, we are. Hez wants to be a chaser."

James turned to Hezekiah. "Are you good?"

Hezekiah shrugged. "Reg says so. My parents think so too. I guess I'm okay, I doubt I'll get a spot."

"Well all my chaser mates were pricks last year. I'd love to have a fellow chaser who isn't. Luckily, our two chasers and seeker graduated so those spots are open for you two."

"That's good I suppose."

James nodded before nudging Sirius on the shoulder playfully. "Nervous someone will steal you beater position, Pads?" He teased.

"Oh please," Sirius said with a eye roll. "No bloody second years are gonna steal my place as beater. Trust me, James."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

"Do we really get the same dorm every year," Aidan complained out to his dorm mates. Dinner had just concluded and Regulus and his dorm mates were settling into their dorm.

"Apparently so. I knew our room mates stayed the same, but I thought our room would change," Kian said with a shrug.

Regulus was going to reply harshly to their cluelessness, but Hez shot him a look that advised otherwise. He settled for a eye roll instead. "The first years just take the previous seventh years dorms every year," he explained.

Aidan nodded at him, his eyes curious and confused. He seemed surprised that Regulus had even spoken to him at all, which, was entirely fair. Regulus hadn't exactly been that kind to him last year.

"Are you two trying out for Quidditch?" Hez asked their two room mates. "I'm going for chaser. Reg is going for seeker."

"I'd prefer to live to my seventh year, so, I'll pass on that," Kian answered, looking at them like they were crazy.

"I'm going for beater! I'm so excited! Quidditch is way cooler than muggle sports!" Aidan answered excitedly.

Kian let out a sigh, still looking at the three of them like they were insane. "More like more dangerous."

Aidan flashed him a big grin. "That's what makes it more fun."

The blonde boy just shook his head in disbelief. "You are mental, Barron. Absolutely mental."

"At least I'm not boring like you."

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆°°✩



"Well Regulus seems nicer this year," Remus mused from his bed. They were all unpacking their trunks.

James let out a little laugh from the foot of his bed, "I wouldn't exactly call it nice. He glared at me like he was going to kill me the entire train ride."

"Yeah, because you guys practically kidnapped him," Remus pointed out simultaneously letting out a little yawn. The full moon the previous night had clearly took a toll on him. He also had a new scar across his face.

"Get some sleep, Moony. I promise we will be quiet," Sirius said sympathetically. "I can walk you down to Pomfrey if you want. Are your hurt bad anywhere?"

Remus gave him a dismissive wave, "I'm fine, Sirius." When Remus noticed his unconvinced look, he spoke again. "I promise."

That was the thing about Remus Lupin. He would never admit something was wrong. Sirius was determined to get him more comfortable and open around them.


Words: 940

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