I. First Year: Sorting Ceremony

880 22 1

September 1st, 1972



Regulus stepped onto the train clutching his trunk in one hand and his owl cage, carrying his owl Castor, in the other. Sirius stepped onto the train after him. He contemplated just leaving and running into a random compartment, but Sirius caught his arm before he could.

"Come sit with me and my friends, Regulus. Please," Sirius begged. He sounded so broken, he had all summer. It was his fault though. If he just would have listened to their parents he wouldn't have been tortured all summer.

"I don't want to sit with you and your stupid Gryffindor friends," Regulus spat without thinking. It was the response he had been trained to say.

Sirius let out a tired sigh and eye roll. "You are a lost cause, Regulus," he said before pushing past Regulus and disappearing into the isle of compartments.

Regulus wandered into a compartment towards the back of the the train and closed the door behind him. He set his owl and trunk on the shelf above the seat before settling into the seat, bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his head against the window.

No one bothered him for the whole ride to Hogwarts and Regulus was completely fine with that. He just sat there watching the scenery outside the window as his mothers warning burned into his mind.

You are the last hope for continuing this families legacy, don't mess it up.

˚。𖦹 °°



Sirius slid open the door to their usual compartment they had sat in the last couple times they had been on the Hogwarts Express to find his four friends chatting eagerly and excitedly amongst themselves. James appeared to be in the middle of one of his elaborate stories, but he stopped when he saw him standing in the entrance to the compartment.

"Sirius!" James exclaimed excitedly, immediately throwing his arms around Sirius and pulling him into a bone crushing hug. Sirius accepted the hug gratefully and buried his face into James's shoulder. James pulled after a couple seconds and immediately surveyed Sirius with a look of concern on his face. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"Um, well... you know them," Sirius responded awkwardly. He didn't like all his friends looking at him the way they were now, it made him feel too raw and exposed, so he attempted to shift the mood. "But hey! At least I have no physical scars right!" He said, flashing them a half hearted grin.

Remus seemed to pick up on his discomfort because he shifted the conversation away from the topic of his parents. "Well it's very nice to see you again, Sirius. I got a new Bowie record, we can listen to it later if you want."

"Yeah that would be great," Sirius replied, flashing him a quick smile. That was what he loved about Remus Lupin. He knew how to read peoples emotions and knew when to shift conversations. He knew peoples boundaries and didn't cross them and all those things were important to Sirius.

"You guys and your Bowie. You might as well marry him at this point," James teased playfully. "Right, Pete?" He asked, nudging Peter in the arm.

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