LX. Sixth Year: Last Week

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June 20, 1978 (Tuesday)



James was sitting in Regulus and Kian's dorm with all his friends. Regulus was sitting behind him, his chin resting on James's shoulder. He snaked his arms around James's waist.

"So did you and Reg do it then?" Sirius asked.

James felt himself turn bright red and by the way Regulus's grip loosened on his waist, the statement had clearly caught him off guard too. "What?"

Sirius gave him a strange look. "Turn in your muggle studies essay?"

Come on James, get your head out of the gutter. "Oh um- yeah."

He could tell all their friends were trying to stiffle their laughter and he saw the moment Sirius realized. He quickly got off the bed.

"James, you brotherfucker!"

He bolted out of the room faster than he thought he had ever ran. Sirius chased him down the steps and around the common room. Some people in the common room turned to look at them. Sirius cornered him in a corner and demanded answers out of him. "Did you shag my little brother, Potter?!"

James felt blush creep up his neck. "I might have... possibly done that."

Sirius smacked him across the side of his face. "When? When did you place your filthy little claws on my innocent little brother?"

"Regulus is far from innocent, trust me. Also, you don't want to know the answer to that."

The realization appeared the hit Sirius and his face crunched up in disgust. "Please tell me I wasn't in the same vicinity as you two."

James bit his lip nervously. "You were... in the house."

Sirius smacked him in the back of the head again before poking him in the chest. "Potter, I swear to Merlin, I will chop your dick off if you hurt Reg. And I mean it this time. If I find out you made him cry, you are dead."

"Yes, sir," James replied wearily, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Sirius grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him up the steps. He threw him onto the bed next to Regulus. The rest of their friends had cleared out of the dorm room.

"You can have your boyfriend back now. We just had to have a little... chat," Sirius explained to his brother.

As Sirius left the room, Regulus buried his face in the hands. "What did you tell him?"

"The truth," James answered.

Regulus let out a groan. "Oh, fuck you. Now he is going to try to give me the talk like I'm not turning seventeen in five days. The thought is genuinely terrifying."

James removed his boyfriend's hands from his face gingerly. "You are so dramatic, my love."

Regulus gave him a look of mock betrayal. "But you already knew he would try to give me the talk. That's why you told him."

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