XXXVII. Fifth Year: Friends?

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November 20, 1976 (Saturday)



"You should go find James," Hezekiah suggested teasingly as they walked the streets of Hogsmeade. Aidan was practicing Quidditch with Marlene and Kian had wandered off to find Remus so it was just him and Hez.

"And why should I do that?"

"Because you are head over heels for him and I think you should make a move."

Regulus thought that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard Hez say. "There is no sense in me denying the first part we both know it's sadly true, but I can't just make a move on James! We aren't even friends."

Hez gave him a look like he didn't believe a word he was saying. "Yeah and I'm straight." Regulus shot him an annoyed look. "Look you not being friends can be changed."

"What am I supposed to do go up to him and be like do you want to be friends James even though I've been nothing but an arse to you for years?!"

"Yes, exactly! That's exactly what you do."

He was going to say that was stupid, but at that moment Ezra Bozzeli came running over to them. He was very noticeable in a crowd with his ginger hair. Regulus saw the look on Hez's face when he approached him and he couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face. Looks like Hez moved on after all.

"Hey, Hez! I was just about to go to Zonko's if you want to come with," Ezra offered.

Regulus could see the blush creeping up Hez's neck. "Yeah of course."

Ezra turned to him next. "How about you, Black?"

If Hez could play matchmaker then he could too. "No, you guys go ahead. I think I'm just going to go to the three broomsticks. A butter beer sounds real good right now."

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James thanked Madam Rosmerta for the butter beer and he left to go find a table. That was when he spotted him. He smiled to himself and he moved to sit down in the booth next to the younger boy. "How many times am I going to have to find you alone at Hogsmeade?"

Regulus Black looked up from his book at him as he sat down. "I wish I could say there won't be a third time."

"Where are your friends this time?"

"Aidan is practing Quidditch, Kian is with Remus, and Hez ditched me for Ezra."

James nodded. "How was your potions essay? I heard you had one yesterday," he said trying to start conversation.

"It was shit. I probably did terrible and my parents will be pissed, but it's whatever I guess."

James raised his eyebrows at him, "You? Doing bad on a test? This is unheard of."

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