LXIII. The War: James Finds Out The Truth *Sort Of*

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August 30, 1978 (Wednesday)



"Where are you going?" James asked his boyfriend tiredly from his spot at the bottom of the steps.

Regulus let go of the doorknob and turned to look at him. "Mission for Dumbledore."

James instantly caught onto Regulus's lie because he knew Regulus and that meant he knew when he was lying. The fact that he was lying to him hurt. "You are lying to me. Why are you lying to me? You- you never lie to me."

Regulus didn't say anything and he just averted his gaze to the floor. James had a terrible suspicion on why Regulus was lying about where he was going. Regulus wouldn't right?

James stepped forward and tried to grab his boyfriends arm, but Regulus dodged his attempt, looking terrified. "James-."

"Reg, show me your arm." Regulus reluctantly lifted up his sleeve on his left arm to reveal his forearm. The only thing he saw on it was the scar from Bellatrix. Guilt consumed James. "Shit- I'm so sorry, Reggie. I shouldn't have assumed-."

"I'm going to the Malfoy Manor. Where Voldemort is staying," Regulus interrupted.

James's confusion returned. "So what? You are the spy?"

Regulus shook his head. "I'm a spy for the order. Not for Voldemort, but all of his followers seem to think it's the other way around and I intend to keep it that way. For your safety. I'm just trying to spy on the spy, I don't want you to get hurt because I'm doing something reckless but essential."

James frowned. "So you the know who the spy is?"

Regulus frowned at him. "I have my suspicions but... I can't say anything."

James glanced back down at Regulus's arm where he noticed a scar on his wrist. James immediately knew what it meant but he still asked anyway with fear in his voice. "Regulus what did you do?"

"I had to prove my loyalty to him somehow. It was the dark mark or an unbreakable vow," Regulus explained.

James stepped forward and cupped his boyfriends face in his hands gingerly. "What did you agree to, love?"

"He made me vow not to share any of the secrets I learned with you all."

James felt anger boil in him at Regulus's recklessness. "So you can't even tell us anything?! You are literally risking your life for nothing, Regulus!"

Regulus let out a scoff. "You don't think I thought of that?! I purposely swayed the conversation as we spoke without Voldemort noticing so that I was only agreeing to not revealing who the spy is! I'm not fucking stupid, James! I didn't let him control me, I manipulated him instead!"

James felt guilt consume him again. He was just fucking this all up right now. He softened his voice when he talked to Regulus next and he rested their foreheads together. "Reggie, I can't let you go there. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry this is the last meeting I will be attending, but James I need to go to this one. There is one last thing I have to know."

James furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Last meeting you are attending? Last thing you need to know? Reg, I don't understand. You are confusing the hell out of me and scaring me."

Regulus pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Tomorrow. Tomorrow, love. Meet me at Pandoras at 5:00 and bring Kian and Remus. I will explain everything then."

"But what about the others? What about Sirius?"

"He isn't needed for my plan. Tell them to tell Lily and Sirius they might be gone for a while. I promise I will explain everything tomorrow but I really have to go now."

James still remained very confused but he nodded regardless and he pulled Regulus into a quick kiss. "Alright. Please stay safe, love."


August 31, 1978 (Thursday)



He stared down at the letter from James in his hands, confusion consuming him. Beside him, Sirius shifted on his chest as he woke up. "What are you reading?" Sirius asked him groggily.

"Letter from Prongs," he replied.

Sirius sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What's he want?"

"Reg has some plan for Kian, James, and I. James says he doesn't know what, Regulus wouldn't tell him anything last night."

Sirius frowned. "You are leaving aren't you?"

Remus gave him a small nod. "Yeah, I think so. Regulus clearly has something he needs the three of us to do. I just don't know what it is."

Sirius's frown deepened. "How long will you be gone?"

Remus brought a hand up to cup the side of Sirius's face gingerly. "I don't know, my love."

Sirius pulled him into a tight hug. "I don't want you to go."

"I know, I don't want to leave you either."

Sirius pulled away and rested their foreheads together. Tears were forming in his eyes as he spoke. "Promise me you will come back to me, Remus. Promise me this isn't a forever goodbye. I can't lose you, Rem."

"I promise. You aren't going to lose me," Remus promised before he connected their lips into a slow kiss.

"Also take care of Prongs and Reggie for me. Since I won't be able to," Sirius told him as the kiss broke. "I can't lose any of you three let alone all three of you. It would- it would break me, Remus."

"Of course, Siri. I'm going to get them back to you too. All three of us are going to come back to you. I promise."

Sirius pulled him into another tight hug. Remus melted into it. He really wished his promises would end up true. He was determined to make sure they all got home safely.


Words: 965

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