L. Sixth Year: The First Crack In The Glass - Part 2

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November 20, 1977 (Sunday)



Regulus's eyes fluttered open. The first thing he noticed was everything hurt. His side hurt, his arm hurt, his head hurt, and most all of all, his heart hurt.

He took in the sight around him. The curtains were pulled closed over his infirmary bed. He could feel the silencing spell in the air. He looked to his side to see James sitting there. James was holding one of his hands and running soothing circles on the top of his hand with his thumb.

"Good morning, Reggie," James stated softly.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About ninteen hours. The stuff Pomfrey gave you knocked you out good. She said you needed the rest though. How's the pain?"

He shrugged weakly. He just wanted to go back to sleep where he didn't have to face the reality. When he was asleep he didn't have to face the fact that Hezekiah was dead. "It's okay. My side is just throbbing a little."

James brought a hand up to cup his cheek. "And how are you?"

"Not good," he answered truthfully. "I'll take it you have the full list on everyone who died or is missing?"

James gave him a small nod. "You don't have to know now. You are already grieving H-."

Regulus really didn't want James to say his name. It hurt too much. "It's fine, I want to know."

James took a deep breath before speaking. "Aidan is dead."

Kian was the first thing he thought. If the news of Aidan's death hurt him as much as it did right now, he couldn't imagine how Kian was taking the news right now.

Hezekiah's final request popped in his head. "How about Ezra? I have to talk to him about something.

James frowned. "He's missing. A death eater took him."

Regulus's heart sank. "Fuck, this is all my fault. It's all my fault and I can't even fulfill Hez's final request because his boyfriend was taken by death eaters. And- and even now I'm literally doing the one thing I promised Hez I wouldn't do. I'm blaming myself for his death. I'm a terrible person, Jamie."

He was crying now. James shook his head and pulled him into a hug. "Please don't say that. You aren't a terrible person, Reggie. I promise you aren't."

He buried his head into James's shoulder as his chest shook with sobs. "I just hurt everyone I love. It's only a matter of time before I hurt you too."

"You don't hurt everyone, Regulus. You aren't some monster. Please stop talking about yourself like this."

"Maybe we should just-."

James pulled away from him. He shook his head. "No, please don't do this, Reg. Don't end this."

"I don't want to hurt you, Jamie," he confessed.

"Reggie, please. Please don't break up with me because you are trying to protect me. I love you. Please don't end this," James begged desperately.

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