XVII. Third Year: Christmas 1974

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December 25, 1974 (Wednesday)



Regulus wandered down into the Grimmuald Place kitchen on Christmas morning. Well it was more like afternoon now, but it still felt like morning. There he found Sirius already fully dressed and clearly waiting for him. Their parents were on some trip so they wouldn't be here for the next two days.

"Well look who finally decided to get out of his bed," Sirius teased.

Regulus just flipped him off. "Fuck off," he said with a yawn. "Why are you just sitting here waiting for me like this? What do you want?"

Sirius broke out in a smile. "Oh I'm so glad you asked, Reggie! We are going somewhere so go get dressed!"

Regulus raised an eyebrow, "Where are we going? I don't trust you."

"You'll see, just go get changed."

Regulus went back up to his room to do just that. He heard Sirius go into his own room across the hall at some point. He opened up his closet and he frowned at his very limited options. They were all just something that looked like something a victorian child would wear, but in the worst way possible.

Regulus walked across the hall and entered his brothers room. Sirius looked up from his spot on his bed at the sound of the door opening. "Oh hey, Reg. What's up? You aren't dressed yet."

"Do you um... Do you happen to have anything I can wear. I don't want to look a victorian child."

Sirius let out a little laugh, "Of course I do." He stood up to go rummaging in his very messy closet. He tossed Regulus a pair of black jeans and then he tossed him a shirt and he caught it.

"Queen," Regulus read out loud. The logo on the front was pretty cool. "But this is a short sleeve shirt, Sirius. It's snowing outside."

"Well, yeah. Don't you have like a crew neck or something. Just put the shirt over it so you look less like a victorian child. It's a muggle band by the way," Sirius explained.

Regulus nodded and went back into his room. He ended up just putting a black crew neck under the t-shirt. They both walked down the steps. Before they left Regulus wrote Kian a quick Happy Birthday letter and he sent Castor off on it.

"Where are we even going?" He asked once again.

"You'll see," was all Sirius said.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

Apparently them getting the on the Knight Bus was needed in this situation which Regulus did not like very much. In conclusion: He almost threw up. Twice.

The bus dropped them off at some park where he saw James, Remus, and Peter were sitting. "Surprise!" Sirius yelled excitedly.

"Yay the marauders," he deadpanned. Sirius just threw a snow ball at him. The snow ball hit him square in the chest. Regulus just turned and gave him an offended look. "Oh you're so on, Sirius."

Both of them started chucking snow balls back and forth at each other and soon the other three boys joined them until they were all just having a massive snow ball fight.

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Regulus had just given up eventually and collapsed onto the snow. James eventually sat down next to him on snow. The others just continued to mess around in the snow around them. "Well that was fun," he stated.

Regulus nodded and sat up to look at James. "Yeah it was."

James frowned at him when he saw his hair. "You have a huge chunk of snow in your hair. Here let me get it."

He reached up and tried to brush most of the snow out of his curls. Regulus's curls were soft in the palm of his hand. After about a minute, he slowly removed his hand and smiled at Regulus. "There. I got most of it out."

Without warning, Regulus reached up and ran his hands through James's hair too with a determined look on his face. "You have some snow in your hair too you idiot."

James felt butterflies erupt in his stomach and heat flush to his cheeks as Regulus messed with his hair. He watched as Regulus's eyelashes fluttered and little snowflakes fell on them. His grey eyes looked so beautiful in the snow too. He let his gaze fall to his lips next. They were slightly chapped from the cold and he was biting his bottom lip like he always did when he was focused. Shit, he is so pretty.

Regulus removed his hand from his hair and pulled away completely oblivious on how James had just been looking at him a second ago. "There I got it all."

Sirius chucked one last snowball at them and it hit James square in the chest. James flipped him off. "We can go warm up in my house if you want before you all leave," Peter offered. "It's just two houses down.




So that was what they did. The four marauders chatted excitedly at the dinner table so Regulus moved to sit in front on the fireplace. Peters mum had made them all some hot chocolate. Eventually, James once again went to sit next to him. "I didn't even realize you were wearing Sirius's Queen shirt," James said as he put his hands in front on the fire to warm them up.

"Yeah, I told him I didn't want to look like a Victorian child. I guess I'm just trying to embrace the maroon more as you would say."

"That's good. You should let yourself have exactly what you want, Regulus. I'm happy you and Sirius have made up too. You two need each other."

Regulus gave him a sad smile, "Yeah, I suppose we do, don't we?"

James nodded. "And if you really wanted, I could always you know, play you some Queen records. Maybe you will like their music. Only if you want of course."

Regulus flashed him another smile, "Yeah, I would like that."


Its kind of ironic that I finished and am uploading this chapter on Christmas Eve. So I guess enjoy a Christmas chapter during Christmas time 😀

Words: 986

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