XV. Third Year: The "Unwanted" 4th Year Divination Group

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October 18, 1974 (Friday)



Regulus was sitting in his last class of the day which was Transfiguration. The class was just wrapping up now. "That is all for today. You are dismissed besides Mr. Black and Mr. Cresswell," McGonagall announced to the class.

Aidan turned around in his seat to look at them. He raised an eyebrow at them, "What the hell did you two do?"

"Nothing that I know of," Kian answered with a shrug. After that, Hezekiah and Aidan left them with Professor McGonagall.

Once the class was empty she spoke, "Professor Epethall has requested that I inform you two on the fact that he has promoted you to the 4th year divination class. Your test results were far beyond average especially yours Mr. Cresswell." For some reason Kian didn't seem thrilled by that last comment. "You will start 4th year divination on Monday. You are both dismissed."

They both said their goodbyes to her, but as they walked back to the dorm Kian still seemed upset. "You don't seem thrilled," Regulus pointed out.

"Of course I'm not. I just want to feel normal for once, Reg!" Kian complained.

Regulus gave him a confused look. "Of course you are normal, Ki. We just got a higher score so they are putting us in a more advanced class. It's really a good thing."

"Yeah, for you maybe. For me it's only because I'm a seer!"

He blinked in surprise, "You're a seer?"

Kian came to a stop in the hallway. "Yes, I'm a seer. I- it's just frustrating. I- I see these terrible things and then I tell someone and they- they never believe me, Reg. Everyone just looks at me like I'm crazy and I'm so sick of it. And now I'm getting promoted to harder classes which isn't a common thing either in this school. I'm just trying to feel like I fit in, but Dumbledore is making it impossible for me to."

Regulus put a comforting hand on his arm. "That's because Dumbledore fucking sucks, Ki. I don't think you are crazy and neither do our friends. If- if you ever need to talk to someone about your dreams, you can come to me. Don't go to Dumbledore or Epethall, just come to me. I promise I won't look at you like you are crazy. Maybe I can help you try to make sense of the dreams."

Kian gave him a sad smile before pulling him into a hug, "Thanks, Reg."

Regulus hugged him back, "Its the least I can do."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

October 21, 1974 (Monday)

On Monday they both walked into the 4th year divination class together. Professor Epethall was waiting for them at the doorway. "Ah, welcome my advanced third year students!" He greeted them.

He guided them into the classroom and Regulus scanned the room for familiar faces. Peter and his brother were sitting at a table in the front of the class. A couple tables behind them was James and Marlene McKinnon. In the right back corner of the class sat Remus and Lily. In one of the tables in the middle sat Snape and Yaxley.

"For those who don't know, this is Regulus Black and Kian Cresswell," Epethall started to introduce to the class. Sirius looked up at his name and they briefly made eye contact. "I have moved them up to this class because of their extraordinary exam results. In an effort to help them make new friends, who would like the volunteer to take one of them into your groups?"

Asshole, Regulus though. Of course he was splitting them up. Marlene McKinnon eagerly raised her hand, "We'll take Black!" James elbowed her in his arm, but she just grinned at him. Great, just was he bloody needs. Being stuck in a group with James Potter.

"Excellent, go ahead Mr. Black," Epethall said excitedly as he gestures for Regulus to sit down at their table. Regulus reluctantly sat down at their table.

"Lily and I can take Kian," Remus announced. Kian went to sit down with them and class began. Epethall went over what they were to do and then sent them off to work in their groups.

"Why do you two even want me in your group anyway?" He asked dryly.

Marlene gave him an innocent smile that only infuriated him more, "Oh no reason at all, Black. Just figured I would save you from Snape and Yaxley."

Regulus rolled his eyes before speaking, "Whatever, let's just work on this project."

He let his gaze fall over to the two Slytherins at the middle table. They were both looking at him. Yaxley pointed at his jaw with a taunting smile. Regulus turned away and he couldn't help but let his hand brush against the scar on his very own jaw that he would always have curtesy of Snape.

James gave him and soft nudge on the arm and he warm smile, "Ignore them. The scar looks pretty cool, Regulus."

Regulus gave him a half hearted smile, "Thanks."

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼



"I hate you," James announced as they left the classroom.

"Yeah, no you don't," Marlene pointed out.

"You really just had to do that didn't you?"

"Listen you should be thanking me, Potter. Black was just nice to you for like the first time ever. He even smiled at you."

A helpless smile appeared on James's face, "I know."

Marlene looked at his expression and let out a sigh, "You are down bad, Potter. You're going to get your heart broken when he doesn't like you back."

"I know that too."


I wasn't gonna upload this chapter today even though I wrote it because I've uploaded like 4 chapters today, but I decided to anyway 😀

No but like my writing motivation when I'm sick: 📈📈📈📈📈

I might upload another chapter tomorrow morning but like then it's Christmas Eve and then Christmas so I probably won't upload the next after that until like Tuesday or Wednesday.

Words: 934

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