XIV. Third Year: James Potter Is The Most Confusing Wizard Ever

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October 6, 1974



The first month of school had gone by in the blink of an eye.

Regulus was still close as ever with his three roommates, but things were also slightly different this year. Some of the foolish immaturity and blindness to what was happening around them was gone. They were growing up now.

Hez had been acting different especially around Regulus. Aidan seemed to be more nervous around Regulus as attacks on muggleborns started to happen again. There was rumors that there could be death eater students within Hogwarts walls and he could tell that terrified Aidan because of course it was. When Kian confronted him about the matter, Regulus had said he really had no clue if there were or not.For the last month he had been mainly focusing on Quidditch because it helped him clear his mind.

Another thing that Regulus had deducted was that James Potter was the most confusing wizard ever. One moment he hated Regulus and then he was teasing him and then he actually wanted to be around him. It was very confusing and Regulus didn't really care enough to figure out what his deal bloody was.

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James watched the Quidditch team slowly exit the locker room. They had just wrapped up practice. Sirius had left saying he had to turn in his essay to Minnie. The only two people left in the locker room was him and Regulus now. "I was going to stay back and practice a little more if you wanted to stay back to?" James offered, breaking the silence between them.

Regulus gave him an odd look before in raising an eyebrow and speaking, "With you?"

James rolled his eyes. "Isn't your thing always that you can never get enough practice," he called out.

Regulus shot him a glare. "Yes, but not with you," he replied dryly.

"Come on it won't kill you, Black. We would both benefit from a little more practice. Look, I won't even practice my chaser skills. I can go against you as seeker and give you some competition."

Regulus was silent for a moment. "Fine," he agreed reluctantly.

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They didn't practice much, both of them too tired after practice. Regulus had caught the snitch once and then they had called it quits. They both landed in the middle of the field. "Is your ego hurt now that I beat you, Potter?" Regulus teased.

"Look, you might be a better chaser than me, but I think we both know who would win if we got in a fistfight right now," James pointed out with a smirk on his face.

Regulus let out a scoff, "Oh please, Potter. I think we both know I would win."

James raised an eyebrow, "Is that a challenge, Black?"

Regulus tossed his broom to the side, "It most definitely is." They then proceeded to fistfight like children in the middle of the field. Five minutes later, Regulus was sadly winning and James really didn't want him to have this over him so he picked the younger boy up and threw him over his shoulder. Regulus automatically started the yell and punch at his back, "Let me go you arse! You are just mad I was winning! Put me down!"

James smirked, "As you wish." He let go of Regulus and let Regulus fall to the ground. Yeah, he was definitely enjoying pissing off Regulus right now.

What he hadn't anticipated was that Regulus would grab his shirt as he fell and pull James down with him. James landed on top of him, but Regulus just flipped them around so he was straddling James's hips. He pinned James's hands above his head. "I win," he said with a smirk.

James realized many things at that moment. Them being:

1. He was right to suspect that he liked guys before. He was definitely gay. This just confirmed it for him.

2. He really wanted to kiss Regulus right now.

3. He needed to get Regulus off him like right now before he did something stupid.

4. Holy shit, he liked Regulus Black.

James quickly pushed Regulus off him in a panicked movement and he stood up, straightening out his clothes. "Yeah, sure you did. I've gotta go. Bye," he rushed out quickly as he took off into a sprint towards the castle.

He really needed to tell someone about this new revelation he had just made or he felt like he was going to go crazy. He obviously couldn't tell Sirius because he would absolutely murder him. Marlene. He needed Marlene. I mean surely he could tell her. They had been friends their whole lives and she was practically his sister. Her, Peter, and him had practically grown up together. Their parents were friends at Hogwarts and they all lived in the same neighborhood.

He found her talking to Mary and Lily outside the Gryffindor common room. He quickly grabbed her arm and started to pull her down a random corridor. "I really need to talk to you."

"But James- I-," she started to protest as he pulled her away from her conversation she was having. As they came to a halt she gave him a pissed off look. "What is so important that you had to physically drag me down here to tell me?!"

"I like Regulus. Like a lot. I'm fucking head over heels for him and I probably have been for a long time I just never realized it until ten minutes ago."

Marlene just let out a groan and buried her face in her hands.


Hezekiah 🤝 James
having their gay awakening when Regulus pins their hands above their heads

Words: 934

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