LXVIII. The War: Foolish Insecurites Are Revealed

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"Well, that was fun," Pandora muttered staring at them all with wide eyes. "Any more ideas?"

Regulus bolted off back into the tent. His friends looked at James in confusion but he just shrugged. He had learned a long time ago not to question his boyfriend.

Regulus came back with the sword of Gryffindor in his hands and James instantly broke out in a smile and kissed him on the cheek. "You're a genius! I love you."

Regulus held out the sword. "Who wants to do the honors?"

Kian looked at Regulus like he was crazy. "You are joking right? It has to be you, Reg. The sword was given to you. You are the true Gryffindor. You also died to get this thing, it seems fitting you are the one to destroy

Regulus gave him a questioning look and James just gave him a nod. James watched his boyfriend raise the sword and then drive it down onto the locket.

Black mist erupted out of the locket and stopped at Pandora. As soon as the mist took form of Evan, James knew exactly what the purpose of it was. It was to show all of their insecurities and greatest fears. Pandoras was her twin going insane.

"Killing them felt so good, Dora. Your friends are next," Evan stated with a manic laugh.

Pandora looked shocked and scared. "Don't listen to the mist, it's only showing your fears," Regulus told her.

The mist moved to Remus next. Anger spiked in him as soon as it did because he knew where this was going.

Remus in werewolf form was howling at the moon. He then slashed his claws against something and the image shifted to all of them dead on the ground with claw marks covering them.

Remus looked terrified and his breathing was heavy as the mist moved on to Regulus. James stared at the mist version of himself.

"I hate you. You are exactly like your family. You are a fool to think I still love you after all you have done!" Mist him yelled.

The image shifted to Ezra. "Hezekiah would still be alive if it wasn't for you!"

A tear rolled down Regulus's cheek and James placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "It's not true, love. That isn't me. I don't think that and Ezra would never say that either."

Regulus didn't say anything as the mist moved onto James. What the mist showed didn't help him convince Regulus he didn't think that.

The mist version of Regulus smirked at him before slowly pulling up his sleeve to reveal the dark mark. Mist Regulus then pulled out his wand and pointed it at him. "Avada Kedavra!"

Guilt consumed him and he quickly turned back to Regulus. "I- I don't actually believe that, Reggie. I trust you, it's just a stupid fear. I love you."

Regulus looked hurt but James could tell he was trying to mask his hurt. "It's fine."

The mist moved to Kian last. As soon as James saw the moment, he felt his breath catch in his throat because this one wasn't a fake imagine, it was what had truly happened and Kian was about to see the thing that had been haunting James for the last year.

He had one arm under Aidan's armpit and his free hand was applying pressure to Aidan's wound. The two of them were limping through the streets of an under attack Hogsmeade.

Aidan's breathing was heavy. "Kian. I... I need to get to... I need... Ki."

"I know, we will find him I just need you to stay with me, Aidan," he told Aidan. They continued on until Aidan started to cough up blood.  He stopped walking to examine his friend. "Shit, Barron."

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