Chapter 54 (part 4)

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"Hey!" Matt came back. "Oh, perfect timing. Ah, Matt's back!" "Okay, I've got all the supplies you've asked for." He handed me a poster board. "Okay, so I have a poster board, which I'm gonna try to hang up." I put it against the wall. "I think, if I put it right here. Right now, I'm gonna comment some of the clues that some of you guys have given us and things that we've seen in our video to help figure out the event day. The event is happening, supposedly February 23rd. That is this week, that's coming up. We're gonna discernment if the event is real or fake." "How are we gonna decide this though?" "Well, right now I'm gonna put RZ twin. Said it was, right?" "Said it was fake." "But, she hacked into my video and tried to cover it up. The Game Master sent us to Hawaii to find the date. However, RZ twin was spying on us. Why would she be spying on us?" "Maybe she would be helping us." "Exactly. And that makes me think that it might be real. Also, Matt, there have been drones flying around wherever we go. So let's do that." I wrote that down. "ZamFam, you remember when I confronted the RZ twin in the snow and she said she was helping us and the Game Master said that she was on his team, but I think at some point she switched. And she might be working for the Quadrant. "RZ twin working for Quadrant"? So, now let's figure out some clues that we have solved with your guys's help in the ZamFam. "The GM has a rogue agent". "Rogue kinda means that they're acting on their own actions right now." "Yeah, like they're going against what the GM network wants to do. Another thing you guys have helped us solve is all of the combinations on the lockbox." "Except for one." "We have one left you guys. Also, you guys and Daniel told us that there is an important spy gadget in the lockbox, which we would not have known about. And we have no idea what's gonna be inside but we think it might be for the event which makes me think the event is real. You guys also let me know that the RZ twin hacked into my video and deleted it, because the Game Master told you guys, so thank you to all of you guys that were commenting and letting me know that. And finally, the biggest clue is the event location. If the event wasn't happening, how was there a location? You guys showed it to me, it looks like a house of some sort." "Yeah, it looks like a pink house or something." "So now we have most of the info on this board, if I left out any important clues or riddles, comment them down below." 

So sorry I haven't updated for damn near a month-
I left this so y'all can feast 😘
Have a good night!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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