Chapter 13

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Matt's POV
"Hey guys, what is going on? We just left the Game Master's top secret escape room house because we found this note." "That's right Stephen Sharer and I trapped the Game Master in his own escape room. And the note that was inside the mystery box that we figured out the code to said this, you need to get out, SLH. You guys helped us figure out that SLH stood for Santa's Little Helper." "However, one thing that Stephen didn't see was actually a little note that was at the bottom of this note, look at the coordinates."

Rebecca's POV
"I tried to convince Stephen to leave with us but he started acting very suspicious. And I showed Matt the coordinates and now we are here because we think the Game Master is trying to help us out." "So, if we're doing it right the coordinates actually lead to this spot right here." "Right here. So we need your guy's help to look around and see if you see any hidden clues. There's a reason the Game Master put these coordinates, we just don't know why. It's so wet and rainy here. I really don't see anything yet. Do you guys?"

"Rebecca, there's like a half tunnel right here. That doesn't look like it's big enough to fit somebody in." "This definitely is not the Game Master's secret hidden tunnel. You guys know the Game Master has a hidden tunnel that leads to a bunch of different passage ways to different locations. I don't think this is it, but there's a reason he wants us to be here right now."

"I mean, there's a creek here, a huge log that goes across. What is that? Do you see that? It's something black over there on the other side. That looks like a sprinkler head." "Why would a sprinkler head be here? It's like raining. There's a creek, it does not make any sense why they'd have sprinklers." "Okay, we need to get over there. That's how you get over there. You have to go across that, what looks like a gymnastics balance beam." "You want to do it or do you want me to?" "I have the most gymnastics ism." I laughed. "I have the most experience." "Okay Matt, why don't you go across and I'll film you."

Matt gives me the camera. "Okay Matt, be careful. You guys look, he has walk across this whole thing to get to that side." "Give us a thumbs up if you think I'm gonna make it across." "Matt, you better make it across, be careful." "It's a little slippery." "You guys do not try this at home. Oh my gosh, look how high it is. You're almost there Matt."

Matt makes it across. "You made it! Yes Matt! Thanks to all you guys that thumbs upped the video and gave him good luck." "It is a sprinkler, I've seen these before." "Where?" "It was in the Game Masters like abandoned warehouse." "Really?" "Yeah, I'm coming back." "Okay." "I feel like I have a little more confidence now to go quicker." "Please be careful. Oh my gosh."

Matt almost falls. "Be careful Matt." "Okay." Matt comes back to where I am. "Here let's see what this is." "Okay." Matt twists the cap on the sprinkler. "It's just a sprink-" the sprinkler opens. "There's a note inside of here." "What?!" "I knew it, it's the same paper too." "Wait! That's the Game Master paper." "It's the same exact paper that you have too." "What does it say?" "No way." "What?" "The hidden clues are at the sharer fam house."

"Stephen Sharer's house?! What?! Do you think that he's working with Santa's little helper or the Game Master?" "I have no idea, why would there be clues there?" "Wait a sec, I should FaceTime Stephen right now because he's still at the mansion. And we can see if he's acting suspicious in any way." "Okay, do it. All right you guys, let me know in the comment section if you think Stephen sharer might be working with the Game Master. He's been very suspicious and we're about to find out what's really going on."

I FaceTime Stephen. "Hey Stephen." "Hey Rebecca, what's going on?" "Are you still at the Game Master's top secret escape room?" "Yeah, I am. He's still locked in the room." "Oh, okay. So he's still in there. He's still trapped?" "Yeah, I think so. Where are you?" "Umm we're uh, Matt and I just we uh..." "we took a road trip." "Yeah, we took a road trip. So we're just hanging out outside. It's a really pretty day." "Okay, are you coming back to the game house?" "Uh i don't think so uh yeah, we're probably not gonna be able to do that but..." "when you going home?" "Yeah." "Okay, I'm here with Chad and Vy. We'll hold the house down." "Okay, when are you coming home? I mean, going to your house." "No, no plans yet, Chad, Vy and I are trying to figure out some stuff." "Okay, all right. So probably not in the next like day or two." "No, why?" "Oh no, i was just wondering. Okay, i gotta go, bye."

Rebecca Zamolo x the Game Master Where stories live. Discover now