Chapter 39

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"What?" "I don't know if we can trust him right now, so give me the camera." "We're gonna take it. Why don't you have a seat right over there. Matt, do you have the handcuffs?" I whisper. "Yeah." "This isn't necessary guys."

Matt brings me the handcuffs. "Okay." "No, I don't want to be on camera. I don't feel comfortable Matt." "Okay, well we have a lot of questions Daniel so."

I put handcuffs on him and lock them around the chair. "Can you like just not show my face or something please?" "If you're not comfortable being on camera, we can blur your face like it is right now or we can put on an emoji." "Emoji? What emoji?" I mean, it's kind of funny. It's a smiley face or if you wanna do like baby head." "Okay, baby head's fine." "Baby head, okay." "Sure." "Perfect." "We'll do that."

"Since we don't know if we can trust him. I think we actually should probably secure the place so let's go ahead, close down the blinds over here." "Okay. I think we need to keep him handcuffed for 24 hours." "24 hours?" "Yeah, just like the challenge we did. That you filmed."

We close down all the blinds. "I don't think you guys need to do this." "You don't really have any place to speak right now. Okay?" "Matt, when we looked at the surveillance footage in the control room, we saw hidden cameras and one was around here." "Facing that way."

Matt points to the left. "What if there's something on the fan?" "Yes, I think it's the fan." "We need to cover it." "Also, I think there might be one over here." "We don't know if Daniel is working for the quadrant." "I'm not working for the quadrant." "We can't trust you. Here." "Yeah, I think we need to actually cover the light." "Yeah."

I put a towel over the lamp. "Like in Big Bear, remember? They had like a secret camera on it." "Yeah." "Was that you Daniel?" "That was not me. The cameras weren't me. I don't know about the cameras." "Is there anything else? Oh oh." I almost trip over the net. "Careful." "Okay." "You're gonna trip on the spy gadget. Let me clean that up."

Matt picks up the net. "So we think the spy cameras or whatever that is are covered right now. Daniel has the handcuffs on. We're gonna keep 'em on there for 24 hours." "Guy, guys." "Well, we don't trust you Daniel." "Exactly. What we need to do know to cut off all communication from the Game Master until this is complete is turn off our Apple Watches. Okay?"

We turn off our Apple Watches although I feel a bit bad about it. "Just power it off." "Mine's off." "Okay." "Is yours off Matt?" "Yeah, mine's off too." "Let's take 'em off." We set our Apple Watches on the desk. "Smash the thumbs up button if you have always wondered who our cameraman is and if he's working for the Game Master." "You are handcuffed right now. You don't have any choice, but to tell us the truth. Okay?" "Yeah, Daniel be honest." "Fine, fine, fine." "You've been our cameraman since summer." "Actually, kind of right when everything began." "Yeah, right when we got our cabin. We discovered the underground tunnel." "I think things are starting to make a little bit more sense right now. First question Daniel, are you the Game Master?" "No, I am not the Game Master."

Suddenly an Apple Watch goes off. "Is that our Apple Watch? Is it the watches?" "No, our watches are turned off Matt. It's Daniel's watch. Daniel." "Please get this off. I need to read this message." "You have a smartwatch too?" "Are you in communication with the Game Master?"

I check Daniel's watch. "What does it say?" "Be on the roof in 15 minutes. Matt, let's go. Stay here Daniel." We go up the stairs. "What if the Game Master is trying to communicate with Daniel and he doesn't know that we know that he's working with them." "We can cover it on camera."

We get on the roof. "Whoa." "What about the ball pit?" "The balls are spilled all over. What happened?"

Suddenly I heard a helicopter. "Did you hear that?" "It's a helicopter. It's a helicopter." "Let us know right now if you think Daniel is actually working for the Game Master or if you think it's a decoy and he's actually working for the quadrant. What if he's working for the quadrant Matt? And he knows about the event?" "What if Daniel's a double agent?" "Now that I think about it, do you remember when I spent 24 hours in the pool and then in the video there was some footage that we had never seen? He edited that video. We let him edit a few of our videos." "It was super suspicious, remember?" "And he said he had no idea. What if he planted that evidence?" "There's all the security footage." "Yeah. Daniel is handcuffed. This is our chance."

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