Chapter 48

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Matt's POV
I peek the camera into the attic. "Are you recording?" "I am." "What is it?" "Oh my gosh." "What's there?" "What? What?" I suddenly feel like I'm going to fall. "It's not that stable." "Matt, maybe we should get a chair for you to stand on because that does not seem sturdy." "That's a good idea." "Alright Matt, be careful."

"Hey guys, what's going on? As you saw on Stephen's video we actually just found two pieces of a map and it led us to this spot right here. I think something is up here because one of the spots is right up in this area right now."

Rebecca and the others came back with the treasure maps. "Yeah you guys, we found these treasure maps, there's a part one and a part two, and the first X we saw was right here, which is up inside that room above this closet." "alright, thumbs up if you think that there's gonna be a clue up here. I'm going up."

I climb up into the attic. "Oh my gosh, be careful." "He's up there." The attic is dark and I can't see anything. "I can't see anything, there's no light up here." "Alright Matt, here you go." Rebecca hands me the camera. "Whoa, I've never seen a secret room like this before. It looks like just a bunch of wires and wood." I suddenly find a clue. "Oh guys, I found something. It looks like something electronic, I can't really see it, okay?" "Did you get it?" I hear Rebecca from outside. "Yeah. Okay, here you go." I hand them the device.

Rebecca's POV
"Okay. Is this like a spy gadget device or?" "It's a Um, it's a USB." "It's like for a laptop, you put it in, maybe there's a secret code or something that will take us-" "whoa, whoa, whoa."

Stephen points behind me and Matt climbs back down. "Let's go plug it in." "Okay." "Yeah."

We suddenly hear something and the power turns off. "What was that?" "What just happened." "Wait, do you think it's the person that broke into our safe house?" "Do you think they're downstairs?" "What if they want the detector briefcase or something you guys?" "Oh wait, we should go get it." "I'll take that, you guys go check that out okay? Okay go." "Let us know if you see anyone."  "Okay come on."

We check our room. We check if the laptop is still there. "Where's the laptop?" "That's just the case." "Do you think the person that broke in took your laptop? Matt, maybe you put it someplace else." "It was right there, somebody must have taken it." "That has access to all of our stuff, all of our passcodes are on there." "Oh no." "What do we do? Then we need to change all of our passcodes." "Yes." "Cause we don't want anyone hacking into our stuff." "Let's call Daniel." "So I'm gonna FaceTime our camera man Daniel right now to see if he can head over to our control room where our passcodes are. This is perfect because this video is sponsored by LastPass."

I FaceTime Daniel. "Hey Daniel!" "Hey guys." "Hey, so we were calling you because we're kind of in a bind right now. We were at the Island Adventure House as you know but we think Matt's laptop might have been stolen."

"Well it's a good thing we set you up with LastPass. Matt, I'm gonna send over a brief to your phone." "Oh." "Right now." "Awesome, awesome." "Oh you got it? Okay." "It looks like LastPass relieves the burden of remembering passwords so you never get locked out of your accounts, and you can just like let LastPass fill in everything for you."

"Oh that's perfect. Okay, are you able to head to our control room." "I'm here right now." "You're there right now? Hold on, ZamFam, comment below if you think it's kinda weird that Daniel's at our control room right now." "Alright, well, let me look at this brief here some more. So with LastPass, you don't have to write, remember, or reset passwords." "So you just put your passwords on autopilot with LastPass?" "Exactly." "Oh that's perfect." "Yeah, LastPass auto fills your credentials, websites, and apps on IOS and android. When you open an app or site, LastPass will fill in your username and password for you; making it fast and easy to log in." "It looks like it can help run your household. It securely saves insurance cards, drivers license, numbers, school phone numbers and more in your LastPass vault." "So it looks like you also get unlimited password storage, recross device, and password breach alert. So like if somebody's hacking into your device."

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