Chapter 9

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Matt's POV
"Hey guys what is going on? We just snuck out here on this balcony after Rebecca and Stephen both found this secret hidden door that led us out here, but more importantly, we think we have just seen the Game Master and Project Zorgo. And they potentially might be working together."

Rebecca's POV
"We don't know what's going on here, but we're trying to spy on them right now. You guys see Chad, Vy, Grace, Stephen, me and Matt. We are considered, I guess, the sacred six, that's what the Game Master said. And we thought we were all working together to defeat Project Zorgo, but now we're so confused. Because why is the Game Master with Project Zorgo." "Shh Shh." "I'm sorry." "I know you're upset." "Okay, I just wish we could hear them." To be honest that wasn't my only problem I had with this meeting, the Game Master never told me he was working with Project Zorgo but of course I couldn't tell them that or that I'm sad that he doesn't trust me. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Matt said, "I have a listening device inside." "okay, go grab it. Okay. There are two briefcases, so you guys told us in the comment section on Stephen's video, that 1653 was a four digit code and it might be for one of those suitcases." "Yeah, but which one?" "I don't know."

Suddenly Matt came back with his listening device. "Can you hear them?" Chad asked. "What do you hear?" Grace asks. "I hear a hot tub." "It's really hard to make out exactly what they're saying, I can only like really hear every other word right now. Remember when we were talking on the walkie-talkies in the two rooms, I was in the laser room with you guys and you guys were in the operation room?" "It was all static-y and scrambled."

"Wait, what if the Game Master has some type of scrambling device so we can't communicate with each other?" "He's blocking us listening in on him." "Yeah." "Have you guys seen anything in his pocket?" "I don't see anything, I only see the four digit code on his briefcase. I don't know anything else, we can't see what's inside." "I can't hear anything still, it's like every other word."

"I still can't hear anything, it's like "blah blah blah woods" like I don't know." "Woods? There's a lot of trees around here." Chad says.
"Hold on, it said hidden bottles." "Bottles? Hidden bottles? Like water bottles?" "I don't know." "Oh, maybe because you guys found some water bottles." "We did, on the lake." "And actually we found some bottles that had notes in it in one of our videos. We had to open them up, they were clues." Chad said.

Matt's POV
"The Game Master is going back out." "He's leaving." "guys, I can go after him." "I am too." "I'll go with you, I'm really fast." "quick, we don't have much time, let's go, let's go. Let's go, Matt. Chad, let's go. Let's go, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon. Down, down."

"Alright, he's a fast runner. Chad! You're so fast." "Where'd the Game Master go? I'm pretty sure he went this way." "we have to like, kinda plan this out a little bit. Okay, we saw him going in here." "Look at this sign." "Hide and seek. Freeze tag?" "Did he go in here because he knows there's great places to hide and we won't be able to find him?"

"look at this though, there's at least ten bottles with messages in them." "We gotta look for something." "Now we know what to look for." "You got tracking devices on you, what are those things?" "I got some down here too, what are they?" "I think its just weeds guys." "These woods might be haunted so we gotta be careful." "Alright, we have to be super careful. I think we just need to keep our eyes open, see if there's any clues. If you guys see anything that we miss, let us know in the comment section down below. We will read everything."

"You going in?" "Whoa, something's down here." "I heard it." "Okay, do you think he's right here?" "I heard some movement too." "Something is definitely back there. No joke, something is definitely back there."
"Should we see if there's another way in?" "Or chad you can go first." "Oh, thanks man. I hope it's not alligator or a crocodile." "I mean both are highly likely." "Ow!" "Careful." "Very sharp prickly branch here. Thorns all over it guys." "I think they call that a blackberry bush." "Blackberry bush, okay. I think this is a huge blackberry bush so we can't go this way." "He might have gone through a trap door in here. I'm getting stuck! Aah!" "Careful, careful."

Rebecca Zamolo x the Game Master Where stories live. Discover now