Chapter 25

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"Hey ZamFam, you guys saw in the last video that I dug up this box but there was a drone chasing me so I hid out here. Matt is going to find the other box. You guys helped us find the clues. We're going to open the boxes, hopefully when we get together. Looks like the drone is gone. This hideout worked, and now I'm going to find Matt. Okay, we need to figure out what's inside these boxes. We also need to figure out who is behind this drone because I don't think it's the Game Master anymore."

I climbed up the rocks and met up with Matt. "You found the sliver box." "I did. Did you..." "I found the black box." "You're all wet." "The black box was in the ocean." "Matt, there's a drone that's been flying around. I think that's what the Game Master was talking about." "Yeah, we need to get back home." "Okay, what do we do, we don't have a car." "I'm calling an Uber right now." "Okay. We gotta get out of here, it's not safe." The Uber arrived and we got in and went home.

"Okay ZamFam, we just took an Uber back to our place in LA and thanks to you guys, you were able to let Matt know that I think I have the key for his black box and he has the code for my sliver box." "But we're gonna wait until we get into the apartment because we have no idea what's inside." "Yeah." "We'll do a full unboxing inside the house." "Yeah, we just wanna be safe." The elevator stops and we arrive at our floor. "We could not have done this without your guy's help and luckily, Matt and I were reunited, but I think this is spy ninja training for the future." "Exactly." We get
Inside the apartment. "Matt. I saw something." "Okay, I'm gonna go inside and check to see if somebody's in there right now." "I'm coming with you." "No no, stay out here, I'll let you know when the coast is clear."

Matt goes inside the apartment. "Matt." "Quick, c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon. Shhh." I go over to where Matt is. "I hear something." "I think someone's in the bedroom." "Yeah, why aren't our dogs barking?" "You know what? I have a GoPro over on the table right now. Let me go set it up." "If they're in our bedroom we can trap them right now." "Shhh. We don't know who it is, we might not be safe." "Okay, so what do we do?" "I'm gonna go set up the hidden surveillance camera right now. Thumbs up if you guys think that this is a good idea and the hidden surveillance camera is the best thing to do right now." "You think it's the safest?" "I think it is by far the safest." "Okay, be careful." "Okay, stay right here okay?" Matt goes to get the GoPro. "Let me know in the comment section who you think might be in our house, who you think broke into it. Also, if you guys have my notifications on and you're helping me solve clues, comment below ZamFam Spy Squad." Matt comes back. "All set up." "Okay, so now what do we do? Do we just wait?" "Yeah. Oh oh, someone's coming. Shhh." "It's someone with a black hood." "Yeah, looks like they have blonde hair." I hear footsteps upstairs. "I think they're going up onto our roof, they just went up the stairs Matt." "Okay, I'm gonna chase them." "No, no, no, no." "Stay here." "What?"

Matt's POV
"Hey, get back here!" I chase the mystery person onto the roof. "Where you'd go? I'm over here. Where did they go? What?" I try to open a door. "It's locked. Ugh. What? Did you guys see where they went? Let me know in the comment section if you saw anything."

Suddenly Rebecca came onto the roof. "Matt! Where'd they go?" "I have no idea, I looked all over the roof. The only they could've gotten down is on that door but it's locked." "Well what if they teleported?" "Teleportings not even real." "Well then how do you explain us ending up at the abandoned sunken city?" "Honestly I have no idea." "They were in my room for a reason, what if there's clues down there?" "What if we need to go down there and we'll figure something out?" "Like they left something in your room?" "Yeah." "Yeah, let's go check it out." "And we have to unlock the boxes." "Yes, let's go." "Okay."

Rebecca's POV
We go into my room and find Peanut on my bed. "Peanut?" "Peanut's in here." "That's so weird, he wasn't even barking the whole time someone was here." "That makes no sense." "You okay? Look." "It's your journal." "It's where I take notes, yeah, it's here. But the pen is like, they were writing on it. Is there any writing?" "No it's just a bunch of blank pages in here." "There's gotta be something around here Matt. Where should we look?" "It doesn't even look like they touched anything." "This is so weird. The noise we heard must have been the paper moving. Okay well check everywhere, there must be something." "I'm gonna look underneath the bed okay." "Okay? Peanut I'ma put you down. Who was it?" "In fact there's a lot of stuff under here." "That's just my junk." "You got a lot of stuff." "Okay." "Why is it all under your bed?" "I don't know. Okay good, they didn't touch my makeup. Still the same. Why would they come into my room, make a ton of noise and not leave anything?" "It makes no sense."

Rebecca Zamolo x the Game Master Where stories live. Discover now