Chapter 4

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"Okay ZamFam so the first thing that I need to do is make a list of all the things I should do to make this music video. Matt, can you help like come up with a beat?" "Yeah! I got you." "So, the next thing I need to do is come up with lyrics, this should be fun.

Did you hear that? It's from the Game Master, it says if you complete this, except a fun surprise but if you fail, your Christmas video says goodbye. So you guys remember I did a Christmas song last year, do you think Game Master's gonna delete that video if I don't finish this in 24 hours? But the Game Master's good Matt why would he delete that video?" "I have no idea." "Plus, what does he mean by fun surprise? This whole thing is mean to an early birthday present anyways but could possibly be better than that? I mean I'm having a quinceañera but this is the best and nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. Anyways let's keep going you guys, we need to stay focused. The hard thing for me about writing lyrics is that I am NOT a singer at all and have only wrote a couple songs."

"What if you ask Madilyn?" "You're right, so you guys my friend Madilyn Bailey, she did my slime workout song. Madilyn is actually playing Fortnite outside in my garage so after I make this list, I'm gonna ask her because then she'll hopefully be able to sing and help me write lyrics, she could save this 24 challenge. So the next thing we need is dancing, I'm not a dancer.

Wait a sec, Kyle Hanagami, Matt, he was the one that choreographed the VidCon dance that I was in, what if I ask him? Maybe he's available. Okay so I'll try FaceTiming him and then maybe he has some dancers. So the final and most important thing is going to be location.

We have to figure out a place that we can film so I'm gonna reach out to the YouTube Space LA because they let me film last time maybe they'll let me. What if we film around here? It's set up for Christmas and my birthday, maybe we can do some stuff." "It's not optimal but it's a challenge." "So the Email's sent. Now it's time for operation: convince Madilyn to help me write and sing a song."

We head outside to find Madilyn

"Madilyn," "Rebecca." "Playing Fortnite battle Royale, my favorite game." "Yup." "You know we did that slime workout song? So I have a question, I wanted to know if you would, maybe help me to-" "write a song and sing it for you?" "Okay so I'm, I'll get it set up because it's like 24 hours, I have to kind of do it fast." "Okay cool. 5 minutes." "5 minutes? Okay." Then me and Matt get to work.

After Matt helped set up the beat, me and Madilyn started working on lyrics then we started to record and get ready for the music video then we actually started to film and now was time for choreography.

Kyle sent me the choreography and I spent the whole night learning it until the next day. "Good morning you guys so I have not gotten much sleep I stayed up all night practicing choreography and then we drove down and got here to LA so we can film with the dancers. I'm really nervous that we're not going to get this all done because we only have 4 more hours left with the dancers, that's not really that much time for a music video, I don't know if I have all the choreography down, I am very nervous but you guys I think we can do this and plus it's my birthday!"

We arrive to the location and began to film then we finished.

"That is a wrap. I cannot believe we completed this 24 challenge, I want to thank Madilyn, Kyle, Brian who came in, and Patty who helped produce it and goodbye white room." "Goodbye white room." "You guys know this was supposed to be an early birthday present but it was the best birthday present I've ever received, even if it was early."

"What is that bec? There's nothing in there, did you even see that?" "No, I cleaned up, maybe someone left it. It says congratulations, you won a free trip for 2 to Orlando, Florida. Pack your bags, you leave tonight. We're going to Florida."

Rebecca Zamolo x the Game Master Where stories live. Discover now