Chapter 35

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"Alright, thanks to our spy squad, we think we now have the secret code to unlock this briefcase." "And inside, we think that the ten thousand dollars is in here. So, I am very excited to get that back after the 24 hours in a bounce house. So, based on the Game Master's video that we cannot see, but you guys can, you guys helped us figure out the code of the emojis that he posted." "Yep."

"So, what is it Matt?" "Okay, so the first one was a five. Second one was a four. Third one was a seven. And then over on here, we actually have two sets of numbers, so that's what was really difficult. Okay, the next one is going to be eight, nine, one. Here we go." "Smash the thumbs up button right now if you guys think that you figured out the right code and that this briefcase will open. Okay." "Three, two, one."

The box opens. "Oh, yes!" "Okay." "Let's see what's inside." "Please be the ten thousand dollars." Matt opens the briefcase. "It is, it is." "Yes, oh!" "Hold on, hold on." "Do you think it's all of it?" "It looks like it's all real. It's all real." "Oh my gosh. Thank you guys so much for helping us solve so many clues. You guys helped us figure out so many things, we couldn't do it without you, especially because we can't watch the Game Master's videos, so we really need your help." "That's right, and as you guys saw, we actually got a supply drop where we got a ton of spy gadgets to set up a control room, and inside there the Game Master sent us a secret message, where we actually found the first member of the Quadrant." "So, we went and explored the escape room and not only did we find this briefcase, but we found this lunar eclipse telescope." "Exactly, so, we think this has something to do with the lunar eclipse that's coming up." "You guys know something is supposed to happen on January 20-21, that's the night of the lunar eclipse."

"I'm going to actually unbox this right now and figure out exactly what's going on. Looks like there's three boxes in here. We have like a little telescoping portion right here, a tripod which is right here, and then something else. Oh, there's a note in here." "What?" "This looks like a hand written note. See a better view of the moon but good to see if it works the night before?" "We know something is supposed to happen on the lunar eclipse. We found that, there was an announcement written in my lipstick here. So, we know something is supposed to happen that is big, we just don't know what. If something is supposed to happen then, and this says..." "the night before." "This is the night before. Something might be happening. And we were not supposed to get that note, we intercepted it." "Yeah." "He was probably passing it to someone else in the Quadrant. We're not supposed to have this right now." "We need to set this up and see if we can figure this out. It's best to see if it works the night before, so we kind of need to test this tonight." "It's dark right now, we have to do it now." "Okay, it's like a mini telescope." "Matt, we need to make sure no one is spying on us. Like there's no hidden surveillance." "I feel like we have taken care of all the spy cameras, but that's a really good point." "You guys, our spy squad, said that the Game Master told you we needed to use some type of spy gadget and find it. What if this is it?"

Suddenly the whole house shook. "What? Sounds like it came from the roof." "It's like when the supply drop happened there was a shake, but this felt so much bigger." "Do you think something's up there?" "I don't know. What if the Game Master's dropping something off for us?" "Let's put our shoes on. Let's go upstairs, careful. Do you think this is a good idea? Comment below what you think is up on the roof right now."

I slowly open the door. "There's no parachute here." "I don't see anything." "Do you remember when we did a 3 A.M. challenge out here?" "Yeah, it was right here." "Yeah, and we felt a ghost literally right here and now it's dark and I'm just like..." "stay here, I'm going to go check around the corner, okay?" "Okay, be careful Matt." "I will." "Oh my gosh. I do not like being out in the dark. It's so creepy." "I don't see anything over there." "Okay, what was that then?" "I have no idea. There's no box, no parachute or anything." Suddenly we hear the same noise. "What is that?" "It sounded exactly like the last one. You know what, I'm going to go downstairs and grab the telescope. Why don't you stay up here and see if you can see anything." "Okay." "Look up in the sky, look around. Let me know if you see anything, okay?" "Okay, yeah, if it has something to do with the lunar eclipse, or something, it has to be up in the sky.

Rebecca Zamolo x the Game Master Where stories live. Discover now