Chapter 8

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"Hey ZamFam, it's Rebecca and if you came from Stephen's channel, you know that we are at the Game Master's top secret escape room house. And we are doing an overnight challenge. During this overnight challenge-" "it's almost 3 A.M." "It's almost 3 A.M. During this, so many people have disappeared. Chad Wild Clay has disappeared. Vy Qwaint has disappeared. Matt has disappeared and now it's just me, Stephen and Grace. Grace are you okay holding the camera?" "Yeah, I'm okay." "Okay. We don't know what's going to happen but you guys know that I've done 3 A.M challenges before and it's many creepy things happen." "Everyone's been disappearing already. We're really...we're gonna get ready. It's almost 3." "Okay." "We've gotta figure out what we're doing." "Okay, I don't know what to do. We do not want to get trapped in one of these rooms and we do not wanna go missing so, I don't know. Do we just wait?" "Crazy things have already been happening and it's not even 3 A.M yet." "Whatever happens you guys, the three of us cannot go missing. We have to stick together to complete this overnight challenge." "There's still no service. The battery's almost dead." "Okay." "We're running out of luck here. All we can do is just stay in the center. That's probably the safest part." "Thumbs up! Give a thumbs-"

suddenly the power went out. "Stephen!" "Rebecca?" "Grace? Grace?" "Grace?" "Look. Stephen. Stephen! The door's shut." "Stephen?" "Grace?" "Grace! Grace!" "Stephen! Rebecca!" "Hold on. Okay." "Grab the camera." "Okay ZamFam, I think Grace just disappeared. We hear her in that room over there. ZamFam! Grace is inside here, trapped, just like the other people in the other room." "Grace, we're coming." "Grace! Can you hear us?" "Grace." "Can you hear me? You guys let us know what you think we should do to get Grace out. It's locked! Grace?" "Stephen!" "Grace! Grace, we're all gonna try and figure a way out." "You guys let us know what we should do. We gotta get Grace out!" "Grace?" "Grace?"

Suddenly the lights turn on."  "Grace. Grace!" "The lights are on. She's not gonna talk." "Grace." "They-they can't talk after the lights are on." "So for some reason you guys, all of our friends have been going silent as soon as the lights turn on. Look, there's a number!" Stephen takes the number but it almost falls. "Whoa!" "Three?" "Three. Maybe it's-" "that completes the four-digit code, I think." "The code!" "So, you guys, if you saw our video on Stephen's, go comment the code. Figure out what it is. That must be for something right?" "Yeah, what does that four-digit code mean?" "I don't know. You guys, let us know if you know what that four-digit code is. What should we do?" "I don't know."

"Okay ZamFam, I think we need to get you guys caught up with what has been going on. It's been a crazy night here at this escape room. The Game Master basically kept us here overnight. And if you saw Stephen's video, we started out with six of us. The sacred six!" "The sacred six. And we're down to two." "Two. And I do not want either of us to go missing." "I feel like the center of the room is the safest in this escape room." "People have been disappearing in all of the rooms around here so we do not want to go in any of them. Also, the Game Master said if we go downstairs at any point, one of our YouTube videos will be deleted and you guys know I've had videos deleted. I don't want any more videos deleted." "We can't risk it." "It's not even worth it." "I tried to go down to get a snack and that was wrong." "Yeah." "Should not have done that."

"No, hold on Stephen, the Game Master said we couldn't go downstairs." "Right." "But he didn't say we couldn't go outside." "Outside? What? You don't think?" "What if this whole thing has been a giant escape room and all we had to do was go outside? Should we try it?" "The Game Master is a trickster. You think it's been that easy?" "What if it has?" "There's only one way to find out. Let's do this." "Okay." "You really think so?" I ignore his question. "Alright." "Careful Rebecca." "ZamFam, give this video a thumbs up if you think that we are going to escape right now. You ready?" "Yeah." "Let's count down. 3, 2, 1." "Open. Come on."

I try to open it but it appears to be locked. "It's probably locked. Try unlocking it." "It's broken! The lock's not working! Is there like a penny or something I can use to unlock it."

Rebecca Zamolo x the Game Master Where stories live. Discover now