Chapter 28

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"Hey ZamFam, in our last video we decided to trust the Game Master and did what the Game Master said for 24 hours." "And that was after a Rebecca Zamolo twin broke into our house and we saw her on surveillance footage, we both ended up opening a sliver and black box and inside we had Apple Watches which we're both wearing right now."

"The craziest part is that the Game Master led us to this red box which we unboxed using our Apple Watch and the magnet inside it, it popped it open and you guys there was 10,000, look at this. 10,000 was in this box, it's so crazy, it was like a hidden treasure chest, we had no idea the money was inside but inside the box was also a note and it said last one to leave wins, something is waiting for you in your backyard and it looks like a snowflake so right now we're about to go get some clothes on because it is snowing outside and we want to find out what's in the backyard for this challenge." "We definitely need to change for the weather outside first we need to pack up all this money and put it back in the red box and keep this box with us at all times okay." "I had no idea the 24 hour challenge we were doing was going to lead to 10,000 dollars." "Do you think this is the Game Master's money?" "I don't know, I don't know if it has something to do with the quadrant or phase 3, I just know that we are in charge of the $10,000 and I don't want to lose it, when $10,000 is involved, I'm excited for a challenge."

We got dressed to go outside. "So we're dressed in warmer clothes since whatever we're going to be doing is outside, I've got the $10,000 in this box, we have the black box to try to figure out some of these codes, let's go find out what it is." We go outside. "What it's still snowing but it's not snowing as hard, it feels like." "It feels nice, okay so where is this challenge?" "I don't know, I think we need to check the pool, remember when I spent 24 hours inside the pool and then we found clues inside the ice?" "Exactly, I think it might actually be in the pool, that's a good point, whoever leaves the pool first wins $10,000." "I don't know."

I climb the ladder and see the pool. "It doesn't look like anything's here, I don't see any clues from the Game Master." "Should we try to get in? Let's just see if it works and then." "Okay let me put this stuff down, keep an eye on the $10,000 cuz I'm gonna win it." "Oh come on." "Woah, I'm walking on it, it's sinking though, it's sinking, it's sinking." "The water is coming in, could this be the challenge?" "Woah, it like, it's moving." "Try to go out to the middle." "Really?" "You got it, be careful though." "Oh my gosh, it sounds echoey, can you hear that?" "Only you can hear it I think." "Woah, it sounds like an echo, I think we need to look around, this isn't it Matt." "Should I try it?" "Yeah come try it." "Okay." "Here I'll hold it, oh my gosh, you're gonna get wet, what about the camera?" "Oh." "Did it work?" "Oh, look it, waters coming out to you." "The waters coming to my area." "The waters coming after you Bec." "Okay." "I don't think this is it." "This isn't it, the Game Master would've messaged us or something." "There'd be something bigger, we'd see something else. All right, well this is the first time we actually walked on ice successfully." "In the snow!" "Oh we still have the snacks, yes." "We still have the snacks. I don't know what this challenge is but the Game Master wanted us to get snacks so there must be a reason for that. Okay Matt, what if something's on the other side?" "It looks too icy, let's go around the other way." "Okay. Maybe it's in the garage Matt." "He said backyard." "Well we haven't looked here." "It's so snowy." "Matt look, you guys there's a ball pit." "Last to leave the ball pit." "So we have to get in the ball pit, the last to leave the ball pit wins $10,000." Suddenly we received a message from the Game Master. "Can you read it?" "Yeah it says, time starts now. We have to get in the ball pit." "Alright Matt, it's on." "Oh boy, this seems pretty cool." "Maybe I'll put these out here Matt?"

I get in the ball pit. "Oh my gosh. This is it. You see this Matt? I didn't even notice this."
I pick up the thing wrapped in a plastic bag. "What is it? ZamFam, this is one of the giveaway prizes for you guys. I hadn't announced the winners yet, this is it." "Why is it here?" "I don't know." "What?" "Look, it's on Game Master paper." "Oh." "The Game Master picked the winner, so the Game Master picked all of the giveaway winners and we said we trust the Game Master for 24 hours so he's picking the ZamFam winners Matt." "Okay." "The winner of this karaoke with mic you guys, I know a lot of you guys submitted, the winner is ashygirl. Ashygirl congratulations. I don't know where the other giveaway prizes are but we're gonna find them. At least we have one winner down, four more to go. I'm gonna put it back in the bag too Matt cuz I don't want it to get wet, it's snowing." "Definitely snowing." "Are you ready to lose Matt?" "No, I'm not leaving this ball pit, I want to win the $10,000. Comment below who you think is gonna win?" "Me! Rebecca or Matt?" "No way!" "Me!"

Rebecca Zamolo x the Game Master Where stories live. Discover now