Chapter 24

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Matt's POV
"Hey guys, what is going on? I just left Rebecca down there. As you guys saw on her video, we just had to split up because we got a message saying that something is spying on us right now, and we have 15 minutes to find two boxes. So we figured the best way to do this is that, since we have two boxes that we need to find, one sliver one and one black one, we need to split up. So, Rebecca's taking down there, I'm gonna go ahead and search up here, try to figure out if we can figure out where these clues are at right now. Let's go, guys. I have no idea where to begin right now with the clues. As you guys know, we are at the abandoned sunken city. This is a place that we've actually been here before. We were teleported here using this device right here. We really need to find some clues, as we saw in Rebecca's. We went to a clue that we had saw before, but we just never really explored it and figured out what was there. Maybe there's some clues that were left behind that we did not know that were here.

Last time we were here, we found one of the clues in this exact area right here. I think it's like "Apple Jacks" or something like that? The last clue that I was with Rebecca and she got was "sprinkler" so maybe there's a sprinkler up here too? Maybe she didn't find the right sprinkler. So let's go ahead and look around. If you can find anything that looks like a sprinkler. As we know, the Game Master's been using these spy gadgets to put different clues and different riddles, so we need to figure out exactly where this one is. Give this a thumbs up if you think that the first clue is a sprinkler. Don't know why they would have a sprinkler up here. It's pretty obvious if there's a fake sprinkler. So if you guys see sprinkler whatsoever, let me know in the comment section down below. I can't figure out exactly where it's at right now, so-"

I trip over something. "Guys. Look at this right here. See this right here? This, I think, is a sprinkler. Is that like a secret spy gadget? It's kind of stuck, I don't even-"

I twist it open. "Oh, it is, okay. Come on, let's go over here. As you guys know, there are a lot of people that are out here right now. We don't know who we can trust right now either."

I open the sprinkler. "Look at this." I pull out a piece of paper. "Oh my gosh." It's a clue and it's a key. Look at this key right here. Turn around, there's an eight. Comment "8" down in the comment section down below, we want to make sure that we remember this right now. Maybe this is gonna get us into the box. We need to find it right now."

I unfold the paper. "It looks like we have a clue. It looks like a tree, and a kite. A tree and a kite. What do you guys think that a tree and a kite means? I don't know why there's just emojis. Why don't they just leave me a note that tells me where to go? If there's something around here, do you guys see any trees or kites? You know what? Last time we were here, we actually saw a tree over here that had a kite in it. It was an old abandoned kite. It's right over there. You can see it. It's still up there. You guys think that's where we need to go? Comment "I remember that" if you remember seeing that in Rebecca's video. Let's go ahead and hold on to this right here. Hold onto this key 'cause I think we're gonna need this later. Let's head over, see if it's over there."

I run to the tree. "There's the tree! There's the tree right here. Okay." I look around the tree. "I don't see any clues whatsoever. Last time we found here, if you remember it, we actually found a clue right down here. It was one of those wood boards. If you remember what the letter was that we found right here, let me know in the comment section. So when we were down in the sunken city, all of the clues were in spots that we had never seen the clues before. So maybe, last time we saw it in the grass, maybe it's up in the tree this time. I just don't think I could climb this. If you look right up here, you see the kite. I think this is the kite tree right here. So kite plus tree. Maybe it's hanging on one of these branches here?"

I try to grab the kite but fail. "Looks like a bunch of old pine cones. Oh, look at this! Right here, right here. See that?" I grab the black mystery item in the tree. "This looks like a little mystery bag of some sort? Let's see what's in here."

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