"What's wrong? Are you missing something?" Minho asked immediately, but Felix shook his head and took his cell phone out of his pocket. 'Do you know where I can find my mother?' he wrote to Minho and he could tell from Minho's face that the older man wasn't sure what to say. "Why do you want to know?" Minho asked. It wasn't that Minho didn't want to tell Felix, but he was afraid that Felix would have some kind of relapse into his negative state again. 'I need answers,' Felix replies and Minho understood. He even understood it very well. The boy was lied to for almost 11 years by the only person in his life who was supposed to love you and protect you. "Well, here's the address. She said you can come visit at any time. Do you want one of us to accompany you?" Minho asks the boy as he puts a piece of paper in his hand.

Felix only answered with a quick shake of his head and then he disappeared. He hadn't said anything to Chan or said goodbye. He just wanted to get to his mother as quickly as possible and get answers. Felix walked along the unfamiliar street, but he noticed that his old house was just two streets away. 'So Mum was around all the time?' Felix asked himself, gradually losing interest in asking his mother for answers. But he remained determined. No matter what happens now or whatever his mom tells him, it will either end well and he will be able to have contact with his mother again, or bad and everything will stay the same. He has nothing to lose... except maybe his happiness because his mother might break him again- No, Felix doesn't want to think about it. He goes in there now and gets his well-deserved answers.

Felix stands with shaking hands in front of the front door of the address given to him. he looks at the “Lee/Park” doorbell sign several times. He is correct. So he takes another deep breath and then rings the bell. A few seconds passed and Felix wanted to head home again. 'Well no one's there', but before he could even turn around, the door is thrown open for him. A little girl stands in front of him. “Mum, there's a visitor!” it screamed and immediately its mother came running. "Rachel, I've already told you several times not to open the door to strangers," Miyeon scolded. But when she saw who was standing at the door, she stood frozen for a moment. "Oh...Felix," she said, sounding a bit surprised. But why should she be surprised? After all, she still owed Felix an answer. "I didn't expect you so early," she said.

"Ah, that's right, you're not talking. Come in," she said and pulled her daughter away from the door so that Felix could enter. Feix did that too. "Um, my husband is still at work, but go into the living room. That's down the hall and the third door on the right," she said and then disappeared into another room with her daughter. Felix felt uncomfortable. He was glad that Sungjin wasn't there because the man scared Felix, but he doesn't feel comfortable walking around alone in a strange house either. Still, he wanted to appear brave and strong, so he simply followed the instructions and actually found himself in the living room. He looked at the large living room. Nice facility. Very modern, but still simple. Just like the old home...

Felix couldn't hold on to the memory for long when the door suddenly opened and Miyeon came in with a tray. She had cookies and drinks with her. This always happened when Felix invited friends over or his dad had work colleagues over. She hadn't changed. She just looks happier... with Rachel and Sungjin... without Felix.
"So... I can imagine why you're here, but do you have a direct question?" she asked, actually handing her son a pad and a pen. She had always been very observant. 'Why did you leave me?' That was the problem with written conversations. They always came across as so dry and snappy. They convey no emotion and can directly hurt other people, even if you didn't mean it. And that's how Miyeon felt too. She saw the message and had to swallow hard. She definitely thought that Felix was mad at her. Where she wouldn't be entirely wrong, but Felix was also very sad.

"Well. I'll tell you everything you want to know, but you have to promise me that you won't run away afterwards, but talk to me, okay?" his mother asked with desperate eyes and Felix couldn't help but nod. "All right ...The day I...well...took my own life...that wasn't planned. I actually wanted to do it after your birthday because I didn't want to ruin the special day... which is coming soon, by the way... But after I got up that morning, I accidentally saw a message on your dad's phone. It was from that Janice girl, who your father had been cheating on me with for years. She wrote that she would be happy to see him tonight. On your birthday. Your father wanted to cheat on me again and that on your birthday. He wanted rather spend time with a whore than with his family... And with that thought, all my senses must have been cut. After you and your father left, I ran into the kitchen with tears in my eyes and grabbed the first knife I could find. You can imagine what happens next..."

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