Even though it was storming nonstop a couple of days ago, now the sun is shining even through the gray clouds that are spotted in the sky. I look at the window once more before taking one of Bella's little hands and stand up after not doing it in a couple of day.

A burning sensation runs through my body and I can hear all of my bones cracking as I try to walk with my little sister. She waits and is patient until eventually we make our way to Yoru's backyard.

The one that I have been staring at for the last days or even weeks. It feels good to finally be here, instead of imagining the sound the leaves would make as I threw them around and kicked them with all I have.

It feels nice to breathe the crispy air instead of imagining how it would feel going up on my nostrils and going back out as I take a deep breath.

Bella looks at me, a soft smile on her face as she looks at me, her icy blue eyes shining as the sun softly.

"How've you been?" I ask, my voice still cracking but surely is better than it was when I first saw her.

"Great." She smiles. "Yoru has been visiting from time to time and Akira goes there sometimes too, but I've missed you. How are you?"

How am I?

I miss him.

I miss him more than anything and I can't do anything else but admit it. I can't help but think about that sweet boy every single second that my life goes on. I can't help but wonder how we would be if he was here right now, and can't help but wonder what was the "romantic thing" that he was preparing a while ago when I told him I liked him.

Oh how I wish I had told him I loved him with every piece of my soul, instead of denying it with everything I had. I shoud've accepted it and embrace it, our story would've went different if I had done so.

But life has to go on, eventually everyone will go back to their normal lives and I will have to do the same. I will never forget him, but he would be proud if I could keep my life going and keep him alive in my heart.

Wouldn't he?

"I'm..." I start talking, letting my mind wonder away and then looking back at my younger sister who is eagerly waiting for an answer. "I'm fine now that you're here." I smile, for the first time in a while, and touch the tip of her cold nose with my finger.

She laughs a little bit and starts walking once more, signing me to follow her and I do so without asking any other questions. After a little of walking, we are in Yoru's living-room. Stefano

He has a smile panted on his face, his forest green eyes shining as he looks at Yoru and ignores everything that is not her. It's like the world stops and everything he thinks about it's her.

Everything he cares about it's her.

I wonder what it would felt like to have someone look at me that way, with such big amount of love in their eyes. As if my existence is the reason for their happiness and all they can do when they look at me is imagining a life where we're together in the future.

"Husky?" Yoru calls out, bringing me back to reality. Making me realise that I had spent the last minutes staring at the couple.


"You're out of your room!" She says as a wide smile spreads over her lips, not one of the scary ones but one that seems actually genuin, as if she is happy to finally see me walking around again.

"Yes she is, all thanks to me." Isabella announces proudly as she flips her long blonde hair behind her shoulder, closing her eyes and tilting her head up towards the light as she does so.

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