31. Været til våpen

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Weather of Weapons

The campsite is humid and cold. Normally, I do not mind trekking in the woods and enjoying nature. Today, the weather seems to know the battle is on its way. I can hear some thunders in the distance, it looks like it is going to rain soon. Yesterday was the same, I can almost feel that things are about to reach an end. For Saxons or Vikings, I have yet to know.

Egadyd remains bundled up in between fabrics of warm fur, with Wulfrun tightly wrapped in her arms. The babe resembles a comfortable pillow because she is so covered I can barely see her face. We vacated town this morning, and the scouts have just returned with the news of the Saxon army moving forward to the city. Ivar and the rest of the army are preparing to leave at any second. I have not spoken to him since the chat we had yesterday afternoon. Even so, I know there is something more between us than there used to be. The kiss might have set in motion our desire, but our talk is proof of a deeper connection. It might be a good thing or not, but at least it will not be Alfred breaking my heart once again.

"She is beautiful," I whisper in Egadyd's ear as I look at my niece in her arms.

The little creature is peacefully sleeping. She has been so calm that I wonder if she knows not to worry her mother too much. The Lord knows Egadyd has been having a rough time adjusting to Viking life, more so now that she is a widowed mother.

My sister sighs and nods, but refrains from answering. I can see it in her eyes, the way she resents her daughter. It is all Duke Osgard's doing. She never loved him, and now she must raise the product of an unfair marriage.

"Leofflaed," Ivar calls for my attention. He is standing a few feet in front of me, this time only one crutch supporting his weight. Further behind him, I can see a big chariot that I know he rides for battle. I wonder if he is as majestic on it as I reckon he must be.

I part from my sister's side to speak to the awaiting Viking. "Yes?"

Ivar takes a moment to inspect my features. "I ought to go now, everyone is ready." I nod with uncertainty, trying to decipher what he wants from me. "You need to be careful while I am away." Ivar orders, "do not wander too far, um?"

I could promise him I will obey, but I know the low possibility of me respecting such a vow. Instead, I just murmur, "be careful."

Ivar remains quietly waiting, his gaze travels to my lips. I should not be surprised by what happens next, I just did not think he would dare to act in front of everyone. Careful yet possessive, the Viking places his lips on mine. First, delicate like a flower, and then with more passion than I would have allowed if not taken by surprise. He tastes like everything I long for and more. It is addictive and makes my mind go blurry. I do not step away or protest, I just reciprocate as the fool that I am.

Ivar and the heathen army leave for battle immediately after that. I return to my sister's side only to find her looking at me with a raised eyebrow. She, as well as the whole camp, has seen our display. I am terribly ashamed, though I also can not really seem to regret it. My feelings for the Viking are fairly new, and I am not used to public displays of affection. Nonetheless, I am certain about my heart.

"What was that?" Egadyd narrows her eyes sharply at me. The babe in her arms protest, sensing her mother's discomfort.

"What do you refer to?" Trying to play coy has never been my strongest suit. I always get in trouble, no matter the lies I weave. Today is no exception.

Egadyd sighs as if preparing to scold a naughty child. "Leofflaed, I know you like to break rules, but is this not too much?" She does not wait for me to answer, "the Vikings are dangerous, and Prince Ivar above them all. You are getting into things you do not understand."

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