7. Forlovede

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We are assembled in the castle's banquet hall. All the royal family and some noble guests, like me, are waiting by the entrance for the feast to begin. The gathering was on short-notice, thus, there are not many people. No one really knows the reason for the celebration. The only thing I have heard is that Princess Judith planned this in honor of some guest she is expecting. It must be someone important because there are delicious dishes displayed. There is even a musician and a buffoon to entertain the people. Alfred, on the other side of the room, shoots me a look. I have been avoiding talking to him since Judith's declaration. Or, more accurately, since the talk we had after I spoke to his mother.

When the Princess broke my heart, I went seeking Alfred to tell him what had happened. Turns out he already knew. His mother denied our request for marriage the moment he asked. I was angry at him for not letting me know beforehand. He claimed he was mad as well, and more importantly, that his mother asked to tell me herself. According to her, 'because women understand better women', so he allowed Judith to break the news. I haven't talked to him since.

The doors open and Princess Judith enters accompanied by a beautiful woman. She has soft features and raven hair. I can instantly see in her the lady my mother always wanted me to be: demure, submissive, and quiet. Something feels off about this introduction. My hands are sweaty, and my heart beats faster when the women approach Alfred.

"My son, may I introduce my niece, Princess Elsewith," Princess Judith says.

Alfred smiles shyly at her, "Princess."

Princess Judith stands taller as she utters her next words: "she is to become your wife in a month's time." Her words cause everyone to freeze in place, or maybe it is just me.

Alfred's eyes remain trained on the woman in front of him, clear shock in them. Princess Elsewith just smiles gently at him, like she already was aware of the news. Before any more can be said, Princess Judith introduces her to the rest of the royal family. I feel panic starting to cling to my bones, but I manage to reign myself before it is too late. I can not let anyone see that this is affecting me. The feast begins shortly. Nanny Mary has to give me a nudge on the shoulder to get me to move. I sit at the far-end table, my usual place when banquets are taking place. At the royal table, Alfred and Princess Elsewith sit side by side. I have never been allowed to be there, despite my friendship with Alfred or the King's fondness for me. But she does, she sits there because she is a Princess and Alfred's new fiancée.

I remain in the feast as long as I can, picking at my food, I barely eat anything. I do not dare to glance up into the royal table because I am afraid that if I see them I will burst into tears, or throw something at them. Thus, I remain with my eyes down and scarcely answering Mary. She is so happy with "Prince Alfred's fiancée". When everyone is finished, they get up from the tables and start making conversation among others. The music has started, and the buffoon is somewhere making people laugh. Mary is speaking to some lady. I take that as an opportunity to slip away for a moment, and I find myself at the stables. My horse, a beautiful black mare, neighs when she sees me. I caress her smooth mane carefully. It does not take long for Alfred to find me. His hand accompanies mine into stroking Ulfhild.

"I can convince Mother to give Elsewith to Aethelred."

I do not know what bothers me more, the implication that she is an object that can be 'given' away or the knowledge that Alfred always does what his mother says. Even above his own desires or mine. Will he really convince Princess Judith?

When I do not answer, he speaks again: "I promise you, Leofflaed. I was not aware Mother was going to do this. You have to believe that I had no say in the matter." Alfred examines me with a heartbroken expression, but I can not seem to meet his eyes. I know Alfred well enough to tell when he is telling the truth, and he is now. Yet the constriction in my chest does not allow me to look at him.

The Mistress (Vikings)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz