9. En sannhet +18

546 16 0

A Truth

The time has come for Mother to arrive at the King's Villa, it is early in the morning when my brother-in-law's carriage parks by the entrance. The night before, a messenger boy delivered the news of Mother's approach. I could not sleep a wink after that. I have not seen her in a while, and even though Mary keeps up her harsh upbringing in her steed, it is not the same as having Mother mad and screaming at me. To say I am nervous and beyond scared is an understatement. I have only met in person with her a handful of times since I started my relationship with Alfred. Every time I see her, I hear that nagging little voice in my head yelling about the morality of my actions. Even so, I never stop. Being with Alfred is everything I never knew I wanted. Or it was until Elsewith came along. Now, not only do I have to deal with Alfred's arranged fiancée, but also Mother's reason to be here.

The fact is that Mother's insistence on getting me a husband caused the problem that I am facing right now in my relationship with Alfred. This visit of hers has been planned ever since she told me about the Count. The fiancé she has found for me led me to ask Alfred to propose. Not only he did not do that, but when Judith learned the truth, she brought Elsewith along. So, no, I am not happy to see Mother again.

"You need to be more careful with those bags!" She says to the male servant the second he goes to collect her things. The boy only looks at her. I have the slight suspicion that he does not care for her nagging. It is not until he is far away that she comes to greet me. "Leofflaed, what are you wearing?"

I look at myself, I do not find anything wrong with the dress, it covers my figure just fine.

"Such a plain outfit to receive your mother?" So this is about her. Yes, of course, it is about her, I realize as I notice her searching for a gathered crowd.

She is not in a social class high enough to be greeted by anyone beyond her family. Obviously, the princess and the King would not be here. She realizes that too by the loneliness of the courtyard. It is now that I notice Edburga coming down from the carriage. Mother finds my surprised expression because she explains that my youngest sister is here to help her plan my wedding. Edburga knows that I do not want a wedding with whoever noble, and yet she is here to help? If I did not suspect that she loathed me before, now I certainly do.

Another servant guides my mother and sister to their shared lodging. It is considerably smaller than the one they had when they used to live here. And it is a lot smaller than mine. Mother certainly comments on this when she asks to see my chamber.

From then on, that first day back becomes a questionnaire about my life in the castle. What do I eat? What do I study? Who do I spend my time with? Am I being a good daughter? Are Alfred and I still friends? Half of those questions are directed to Mary, though. She seems to believe her more than she does me. Luckily, my time living under King Ecberth's wing has allowed me to learn a few tricks to hide things for my nanny. So, everything Mary tells is either a lie or a half-truth -unknown to her. Mother should never learn about me studying the Viking's ways or the old Greek gods. And above all, she should never find out about Alfred.


"Has your mother said anything about the Count?" He asks as he strokes my arm tenderly.

We are in the meadow where we lost our virginity all those years ago. This has been our spot ever since. We come every time we want to spend some time alone away from the court. We also enjoy intimate encounters that had been getting better over time. Now that we know each other and what we like, things had been pleasant.

"Nothing specific," I answer Alfred's question. "She has mentioned the wedding, but I think she is trying to keep me from it as much as she can. I am afraid she believes I will ruin it on purpose."

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