1. Tolv år gammel

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Twelve Years Old

Ever since I was a little I have been told to behave properly, like a lady. Do not run in the hallways, never look at men in the eyes, always be pleasant to others, smile but not too much, bow when you greet, never answer back, do not speak your mind, be quiet, no one wants an insolent wife! It is a set of rules implanted in my brain for as long as I can remember. Being born into a noble house highlighted the need to follow that pattern.

My mother was young when she married my father. She had just finished her service as Princess Judith's handmaiden when my father, Lord Hereweald, took her as a wife. To begin with, my father's social position was not the best. Neither was my mother's. She, despite becoming Princess Judith's trusted servant, was not a noblewoman. However, she was rich; her parents were. Therefore, my siblings and I were born from an arranged marriage designated to save bloodlines. My father had the title, a Lord, and my mother had the money that he did not. Despite that, we were still socially low within the noble ranks. "Barely noble," the whispers said. That did not matter when we needed to attend gatherings or learn from our etiquette lessons. Our 'obedient wife's lessons' I joked once. That earned me two spanks. I thought it was not fair that my brother did not need to attend.

Nevertheless, not all of it is bad. My mother's position as handmaiden earned her more than just a husband. She gained Princess Judith's friendship as well. That came in handy when my father died three months ago. He had spent most of my mother's dowry by then, and we had nowhere to go. Technically, she is still a Lady, but the title of Lord went to my little brother Hereward. Not that he can do much, being only six. My mother's family did not want her back, and our house in the meadows was confiscated by King Aelle due to my father's debts. When Princess Judith heard about our situation, she was kind enough to allow us to live with her. At least until my mother finds another husband or my oldest sister does. I am the middle sister. Eadgyd is the oldest, Mother says she will soon be old enough to get married, and I will be too in some years. I do not want to grow up if it means getting a husband. Eadburga is the youngest just two years below me, but she behaves worse than Hereward, and he is six.

"Leofflaed, stop fussing and sit straight," Mother berates. We are in a carriage on the way to King Ecberth's castle, where Princess Judith lives with her husband and children. "Leofflaed!" I halt my moves. I cannot help it, I'm nervous. Never before were we allowed to meet the Princess nor her family. I know my sisters are agitated too, they are just better at concealing it.

We spend the next two hours on the road. The sun is setting when I finally manage to get a glimpse of the castle. It's big and ugly, and I cannot believe we are going to live there. I liked our house better. Even still, I wonder if there are hidden passages where I could hide from my nanny and her awful wife lessons.

"... do not forget to bow," my mother is saying. "King Ecberth will not be there, but Princess Judith, Prince Aethelwulf and their sons will." My sister Eadburga perks in her seat. I know she is eager to meet the young Princes.

It takes us at least another fifteen minutes to reach the entrance. Once the carriage stops, the door opens. My mother goes out first, then my brother, Eadgyd, me, and finally Eadburga. It was cramped in there. Just like Mother said, a beautiful woman stands before us. She is wearing a crown and her brown hair falls on her right ear. I heard the maids whispering that she does not have one because she committed adultery. Whatever that means. Next to Princess Judith, there is a tall man, I assume is Prince Aethelwulf. Unlike her, he is bearing a serious demeanor. I am not sure if I like him. On the other side of their mother, there are two kids. One of them seems to be Eadgyd's age, and the other one my age. They are the young Princes. I know that the eldest is Aethelred and the other Alfred.

When we are in front of them, my mother and siblings bow deeply, I follow shortly after, hoping that no one notices my delay. "Leofgyd," the Princess addresses Mother, "it is so nice to see you after all this time." Mother returns her greetings, but I tune out the rest of their conversation. Small talk always bore me. You need to be polite and say unnecessary things.

As I look away, I notice one of the Princes staring at me, Alfred. I return his gaze curiously. His eyes are a dark blue shade and his hair is long. He looks like a girl. I smile at my own private joke. He probably thinks I am smiling at him, because he returns the gesture. It is until my sister Eadgyd nudges me that I realize I have been holding contact for too long. Right, never stare at men in the eye. I look away.

"... Hereward, Eadgyd, Leofflaed, Leofflaed!" I look up at my name being called. My mother has an annoyed expression on her face, and I realize I am supposed to do a curtsy, again. I do as expected, hoping the royal family will not be mad. When I peek at Princess Judith, though, she is just amused. "... and Eadburga." My sister smiles angelically, yet I know it is just an act.

"It is very nice to meet your lovely son and daughters." The Princess says, "we will take good care of you." Then, she adds, "Aethelred is close to Eadgyd's age, and Alfred to Leofflaed. Maybe one day, they will be friends, just like us."

Despite the kindness of her wording, something tells me she does not really mean it. She knows her sons are way above us, she is just being polite. Still, her statement causes different reactions within our group. Eadgyd and Prince Aethelred appear to be indifferent, albeit a little reluctant, Mother is delighted, Prince Alfred sends a shy smile my way, and Eadburga is just angry. Of course, she wanted to be the one befriending the Princes.

"Of course, my Princess," claims Mother, "that will be suitable." Looks like Mother can not tell between a lie and a truth. Still, when we go inside, Princess Judith allows Alfred to walk beside me. I bite my tongue to stop myself from telling him he looks like a girl.

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