18. Avslutning

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We stay at the nunnery for another week because Alfred thought it was kind enough to allow me a small vacation before going back to the intricate games of court. I do not know if he believes the break will allow me to accept his decision of bringing me back to the King's villa, but the small act of mercy does nothing for me and my growing resentment towards my lover. Given that he came for me to go back to being his mistress, I am exempted from continuing the duties that the nunnery wanted me to follow. The classes only lasted for a week, and sister Jane was clearly not bothered by the fact that I was leaving soon. She did not even try to mask the relief she felt upon knowing that I would not be staying here any longer. No one really wanted me there. I remember a few days ago when I overheard some nuns talking about my impure body and how it taints the atmosphere of the convent.

Still, nobody was pleased when Alfred decided we wanted to stay for a while here. Not only did their treatment towards me needed a drastic change, but also they required to address the Prince properly. Much to their dismay, we were given a shared chamber during our stay, because mine was too unfitting for royalty. Of course, no one mentioned the fact that the room was ready in less than an hour for Alfred while I had been here living for more than a week and yet my supposed official room had never been ready. The only thing good thing about this sudden change was that I no longer needed to take sister Jane's beatings for the purification of my sins. Alfred never noticed the previous marks left by the matron. Not that I gave him much of a choice, considering that I have been refusing to sleep with him. He has not tried to step out of my boundaries. Though, I can see the sadness in his eyes at our broken trust.

"We're almost there," the carriage driver indicates at the other side of the curtain.

On the seventh day of our stay at the nunnery, an urgent message coming from Wessex arrived, claiming that the Vikings had killed King Aelle, and that there was a high possibility of them going for Ecbert next. Alfred was required to go back immediately, either to prepare for battle, or to flee elsewhere. As soon as he received the missive, he was ready to go back to the castle with me. But one thing I dreaded more than being taken hostage by Vikings, was going back to living as his mistress. I could not continue pretending like that, and I knew it would be harder after I literally ran away from him. All the nobles would have something to say about my abandonment, and rarely Alfred to get the blame for it. Thus, as one last effort of postponing the inevitable reality I had to go back to, I asked Alfred to let me go to my sister's estate on the other side of the kingdom. The place is near enough to not be considered running away, and far enough to remain out of the Viking's wrath. At first, he did not want to agree, but after I played the 'overwhelmed mistress' card and told him 'I needed strength to face court', he allowed me to go visit Egadyd for a few days. I do not know if he was reluctant because of his insistence on being with me, or because of the Viking's imminent danger. But I believe the Vikings will not attack that fast.

My older sister was definitely not expecting our arrival. Considering the short notice plans, Alfred could not send a warning ahead in order for Egadyd to be ready. Thus, it is no surprise that she takes our presence with uncertainty, yet happiness. Her husband, Duke Osgard, is joyous with Alfred's presence, although I notice he tries to ignore me as much as he can.

"Leofflaed, it is good to see you," my older sister greets me in a way that no one else in my family would have. She envelops me in a hug that tells me that she is, indeed, happy to see me, and that it is not just for show in front of the Prince. Unlike her husband.

As well as her, I am happy to see her, though I would have preferred it had been under other circumstances, rather than escaping my lover. After my sister and the Duke exchange pleasantries with Alfred, they apologize for not being ready for our company, claiming that they had no knowledge of it, and that if they had, they would have prepared a feast. Alfred responds that there is no need for that because he is only passing by.

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