2. Femten år gammel

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Fifteen Years Old

We have been living in King Ecberth's castle for three years and even though not all of it is good, I like it here. It took a while for me and Alfred to get along. At first, I thought he was too shy and boring for my liking. He enjoyed spending a lot of time at the library, whereas I wanted to go out. He loved to learn about our Lord Jesus Christ, while I preferred sneaking into the kitchens for cookies. We were just... different. Yet, he was stubborn, he wanted to be my friend. So the first months, every day after lessons, he would come to find me to spend time together. Because he is a prince, I could never refuse. Slowly, I must admit, I grew to like him. Then, I would show him the things I enjoyed, and he would show me his. It is safe to say that Princess Judith had nothing to do with this friendship. She is not against it but does not support it like she said she would. King Ecberth, on the other hand, is fully in favor of our relationship. According to Alfred, he said it was good for him to have 'friends his age.' As for Mother, she is ecstatic. A daughter of hers is friends with one of the Princes! What more could she ask for? That, of course, helped with the fact that Eadgyd and Prince Aethelred can not stand each other. They do not say it out loud, but anyone can read it on their faces if they are in the same room. I guess that their friendship was really not meant to happen.

Around the time when I started to like my time with Alfred, King Ecberth requested us for a meeting. Until then, I had only seen the King in official gatherings, so I was a little nervous. However, I soon realized there was no reason to be. I liked the King, he had different views compared to Mother, or to my nanny, who teaches us the 'wife lessons.' On that first meeting, he told us incredible stories about the Roman Empire. I liked the ones about war and the ancient Roman gods. Alfred showed an interest in the ones about kings, like Alexander the Great. The gathering went so well, that King Ecberth requested us again, then again, and again. Until one time, he let us know that he would allow me to be part of some of Alfred's classes. Apparently, he believes I am deeply intelligent and thinks we can benefit from it. I do not believe that is all of his intentions, that he might not have other motives, but I am not going to complain. I like learning other things besides sewing and manners. Though, I still have to attend those lessons with my nanny and sisters. Nevertheless, neither she nor Mother know about King Ecberth's teachings. The topics range from the history of old civilizations to languages like Frankish and Norse. Nevertheless, I have to leave the room once the teacher begins a subject only worthy of the royal family. I never know what those are about. To Alfred, I call them 'prince duties.' He does not deny it, he just brushes me off when I say it.

"Eadgyd," I call to my sister across the room. Currently, we are knitting in one of the palace's drawing rooms. Well, my sisters are, I am just pretending to.

"Yes, Leofflaed?" She does not look up from her work.

"Do you want to marry?" Her knitting halts briefly.

"I have to marry."

I sigh, "that is not what I asked."

"Life is not about what we want, Leofflaed."

I guess not. Right now, my big sister is old enough for marriage. Mother is looking for a husband for her. She is a little desperate, considering that we have extended Princess Judith's invitation to stay more than we should have. Three years have passed, and she has not found a man for herself, so now she is looking for one for my sister. Originally, the plan was for Mother to marry within the year, then we would move into her husband's household. That did not happen. Mother was not ugly, but bachelors preferred younger, virgin girls, according to what nanny Mary told us. Especially considering we have little money. That is why now the responsibility to marry is Eadgyd's. We are supposed to live with her husband and not keep abusing Princess Judith's invitation.

The Mistress (Vikings)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें