14. Ingen kontroll

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No control

Princess Judith wanted to have a small tea gathering with princess Elsewith and me. I was not sure about the objective of said meeting, but I was in no position to reject the invitation. She is a princess, after all, and I am expected to hold up certain etiquette. So if the princess wanted to have a party with Alfred's wife and mistress, I had to comply. In any other circumstances, I would have never accepted to be in the same room as Elsewith for too long willingly. It is not that I hate her as a person, but it is difficult to see beyond the fact that she is one of the reasons why my lover is not with me.

When I arrive at the chambers where I am supposed to have tea, princess Elsewith is already there. Princess Judith is nowhere in sight, but I gather that is a good thing, otherwise, it would have been rude to make someone of higher status wait for me. As the guard closes the door once I enter, Elsewith looks at me. There is a serious gesture on her features. Ever since our first and last chat, she has rarely approached me, and I like it that way. However, that does not mean I do not get to see her almost every official meal by Alfred's side. Or sometimes taking strolls in the garden. I noticed that she likes to go near the lake where I used to sneak off with Alfred. I am not sure if she knows that is our spot, but because of it, I now seldom go there.

"Greetings, Princess Elsewith," I speak.

"Lady Leofflaed, it is a pleasure you could join us." Why is she talking as if she is also hosting this meeting? "Come sit, Princess Judith mentioned she might be a bit late. She is having a meeting with the King." I nod in agreement and approach the table. Something worse than being in the same room as Elsewith is being in the same room alone with her. For the first time in my life, I wish for Princess Judith to come.

On the table, there is already a variety of pastries and a tea cup set waiting to be used. Princess Elsewith signals for the maid at the back of the room to pour us a cup. I speak up, "should not we wait for her majesty the princess to arrive?"

Elsewith makes a dismissive gesture with her hand, "it is quite all right, she said it would be fine for us to start, we should not let the tea get cold." She takes a sip of her cup and I do the same. "So, how have you been, lady Leofflaed? Alfred rarely talks about you during our encounters."

I am not sure if by encounters she means something sexual, but I am too afraid to ask. "I am very good, prince Alfred has been exceptionally kind to me by allowing me to move into a finer chamber, and to continue with my lessons from the royal teacher." That is what I am supposed to say, though it is far from what I want to say. Indeed, Alfred has allowed me to continue my learning pathway, but it bothers me that I had to ask for permission in the first place. Furthermore, I am not alright. However, I am not supposed to show my true emotions in court, so the only explanation I can give is a fake one. Something in myself is telling me that Elsewith might be playing me with her words, and that rebel part of me that has been dormant since becoming Alfred's mistress awakens slightly. "I apologize that I have not been able to talk to Princess Elsewith outside formal gatherings, but Alfred and I have been particularly busy lately." That is a complete lie, but she does not need to know it.

"I see," there is a sour tone in her voice I have never heard before, and I wonder if what she meant by not caring where Alfred's love is placed was the whole truth.

I take a sip of my cup and try to change the subject. "This infusion is wonderful, I think it is from the far east, is it not?"

"Oh, I am sure you know better than me, considering your studies." She smiles sadly, there is something akin to envy in her expression.

I motion for the maid to come over. "Ask the servants in the kitchen to send a cup of this tea to prince Alfred," I request. I expect the maid to do what I tell her, but I am surprised when she does not move from her spot. When I look up, she is glancing at Elsewith.

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