24. Ingen maske

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No Mask

It was not so long after the King's death that I learned part of the reason why he chose to remain in Wessex even after everyone fled. A King is a King no matter what, and he refused to leave like some sort of coward. Deep down, though, I knew there was something more. His last confession to me about loving a Lothbrok made me realize the depth of his guilt over King Ragnar's demise. Perhaps he thought he deserved the punishment. Whatever the motivation, though, it ultimately became something in my favor and even the Vikings. A few hours after his death, a terrified priest came looking for me at my temporary home in the inner part of town. According to Prince Ivar, I was to stay there until further notice.

I was not expecting to hear from anyone about the details of King Ecbert's death. I am not a fool to think that they are going to tell me anything when I am not more than a glorified prisoner. Nevertheless, something told me that the priest coming to me was not something consulted to the Vikings. That was the moment when I found out that in exchange for choosing his own way of dying, the King had given the Vikings land legally granted. It was surprising that he had done such a thing, but I am also aware of the deep desire he had to make peace with the heathens. Thus, it should not be that strange for him to allow them to settle in his lands. However, that was not the most important news that the priest brought. It was the fact that the King himself have left something to me. It was a document that eased my chest and I made me feel enormous gratitude toward the King.

The paper was simple yet clear, in it, he clarified the legitimacy of the child that I am carrying. He made it explicit for everyone that the specifics of the conception of my baby must not be questioned because, even if I am not married to Alfred, I am officially his mistress, and this is the firstborn child of the next generation to inherit the crown. As such, he not only helped me dissuade any doubts that the Vikings could have had if they were to know of my unofficial relationship with Alfred, but also he made my son a prince. So, no matter what Princess Judith, Elsewith, or anyone says, my child is not a bastard. The words that the King said to me in the throne room had been useful, but nothing can compare to having a document signed by him. I have to care for it with my life. When I asked the priest about King Ecbert's motives for helping me, he said that the monarch mentioned he was sorry for not being able to aid me before the way that I needed it. The priest did not specify, but I knew he was referring to the moment I became Alfred's mistress.

Now is the day after the King's death, and all the Vikings are preparing for a massive feast to celebrate the defeat of the Saxon army and the performed revenge on Ragnar Lothbrok's injustice. It is supposed to be taking place in the afternoon, and I am cordially invited to attend -or more like forced to. One woman named Thorin came with some thralls carrying a bathtub and fresh clothes. She claimed that it was the will of the Princes for us to bathe and look presentable in the upcoming festivities. Feeling the blood on the linen of my dress, I could hardly refuse. Egadyd was more reluctant, but ultimately complied with the order. Consequently, the servants helped us to scrub all the dirt and even went as far as to place some scented water in our bodies. It was good to be clean again and to forget -at least briefly- the situation surrounding us. At least until I vomited all of my breakfast over the floor. I apologized profusely, though Thorin seemed to place no mind. She only called another thrall to clean the mess and help me wash my mouth. The reality of the baby inside of me felt more real at that moment. Egadyd reassured me that morning sickness would pass away. I could not care less about morning sickness, my mind was all focused on the fact that having a baby would not pass away.

The clothes that they brought us were, thankfully, Saxon dresses. I half expected the Princes to dress us as Vikings, but the garments were to our custom. Mine was a rich burgundy color, very elegant, and not one I had seen before. Who knows where they got it from, it is clearly not one of mine. My clothes are probably still in the castle, in my previous chambers. We are not staying there, instead, we are positioned in one of the houses near it. It is only me, Egadyd, and a few guards outside the door, plus the occasional visitor. I have not seen or talked to Prince Ivar since the meeting with King Ecbert. Well, until now, I was told he wanted to meet me by the clearing outside the town walls.

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