28. Naturlige bindinger

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Natural Bonds

For what is worth, the Vikings made home of the town surprisingly fast. They claimed lodgings and riches like it was only natural. It probably is for them. Nothing out of the ordinary happened when the princes relocated me and my sister to a small house. I had to let them know my sister was due soon, though. They seemed clueless on the topic, so they had to call a female slave who, apparently, is well-versed in birthing.

The woman is rather old and goes by the name of Ulla. The years and hardships are evident on her face. One can also tell that she has had many children and speaks from experience. "I used to be the previous Earl's mistress before King Ragnar took over my village." She said when we were introduced. "I already had some children then, but after I became a thrall, I was raped multiple times." Ulla talked as if it was normal. As if it is an everyday occurrence to be stripped of the liberty of her own body. Perhaps it is, it is known slaves have no liberty at all. The implication that she had children from the assaults was clear as day. In the back of my mind, I wonder if that is what could happen to me if Ivar finds out that I am no more than what Ulla was: a mistress.

"My lady, you are gaining weight rather well," says Ulla when she feels my stomach. The creases in the woman's eyes are soft and motherly. Despite all her hardships, she is giving me a tender look. "I can see that you are starting to show. I am sure Prince Ivar will be very pleased."

The last comment, albeit made lightly, has me frowning. "Prince Ivar, why would he be pleased?"

Ulla looks perplexed. "Is he not my lady's intended?"

"Intended? Ulla, surely you must have heard I am..." I can not say a lie, "I was with Prince Alfred. This is his baby."

The thrall laughs and pats my arm in an almost affectionate way. "You are still Saxon and do not know the ways of Vikings. Who sired the baby does not matter over who raises the baby." Ulla must still see the confused look on my face because she continues. "Probably you do not see it yet, but Prince Ivar does not give this kind of treatment to just anyone."

Before I can think of asking anything else, Ulla leaves my side and goes to my sister. Egadyd is lying in bed, tormented by labor pains. The elderly woman says that it is almost time for the baby to be born. And much to my sister's fears, she also believes it is a girl. I try to do my best to translate Ulla's instructions to Egadyd, but there are some words I do not even recognize. It appears learning Norse with books is not the same as speaking it.

By the time the inspection is over and done, Ulla claims that my sister still has a few hours before she is ready to push the child. I intend to wait with her until that happens. That is until the rowdy guard that keeps being assigned to us enters the house. The man, tall and hairy, does not even knock once he comes in.

I cover my sister as fast as I can from his prying eyes. "The Ragnarssons want to speak with you." The instruction is clearly directed at me. I have half a mind to refuse, but I know better than to do that. Besides, Ulla says it is still some hours until Egadyd gives birth.

I give my sister a kiss on the forehead. "Would you stay with her?" I ask Ulla, inspecting the untrustworthy guard from the corner of my eye. The woman merely nods without looking at anyone in the room. It is a deep contrast to the thoughtful treatment she gave us before.

The guard guides me out of the house and through a path in between buildings. The last time I saw Ivar he was by the church, but that is not where we are headed. We take an intricate road to what appears to be the outskirts of town. It is then that I start to suspect something.

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