"Okay. Wait a minute and I'll accompany you," Chan says and then returns to his work.
'Oh I actually meant alone. Don't worry, I'll text you every 10 minutes so you know where I am and that I'm okay. But I really have to go alone', writes Felix and Chan doesn't like the idea at all. But he also knows that they can't lock Felix up. If they did that, the boy would probably run away from them at some point.

"Okay, but I'm expecting the messages," Chan warns the boy with a serious tone and Felix nods enthusiastically. He runs to Chan and hugs him tightly. Chan reacts petrified, but doesn't have time to return the hug. Felix is ​​already running out of the room Office to the front door and out of the house.
He doesn't even notice how Minho and Jeongin saw him and were confused.
He didn't notice Minho running after him because he thought Felix would run away again.
He also didn't notice how Chan was able to calm them both down, but still received a lecture from Minho.


Felix walks comfortably through the park with his face turned to the sun and enjoys the tingling sun on his skin and the gentle wind through his hair. It's been so long since he's been this close to nature again. As a child, he loved to go outside, sit on the grass and just admire the beauty of nature. He loved the ladybugs the most when they landed on him and their little legs tickled the boy. He particularly liked ladybugs and today he's just jealous of them. They can fly freely around the world. Just sit down on a leaf and enjoy life. They don't have to worry about what tomorrow will look like or whether their dead mother is still out there.
Yes, Felix is ​​still pissed...

Felix sits down in the middle of the flower meadow, where many others are already sitting with their picnic blankets and also enjoying the weather. They are families and couples. Both because Felix no longer has it. He has no lover and no family. The only thing he has are friends, who he still doesn't know well enough to see as anything more than friends. He knows that the boys are trying to court him and Felix finds their gestures really sweet and heartwarming, but it wasn't enough to make his heart swell like Jinyoung's. He misses him very much... his first great love... his first and best friend. But also his first enemy and backstabber...
Oh how people can change.

If a child hadn't kicked a soccer ball at his shoe, he would never have seen it...
Felix kicks the soccer ball back and looks around carefully. And then he sees the person.
The woman... his mother.
She's sitting a few meters away from him on a red and white checkered blanket with a man? Who is the man? He also looks familiar to Felix. But why?
The man looks a little younger than his father and has a very friendly smile. He has brown eyes and black hair. He holds his mother's hand and seems to be... flirting with her? At least his mother always gets red in the face. Something about the whole situation makes Felix angry and sad at the same time.

She seems so carefree and happy while Felix, the son she claimed to love, is suffering.
How can that be right?
"Felix! FELIX!" the boy suddenly hears someone calling from the other side of the park. He's startled, when his mother is suddenly completely shocked and looks around. The man also seems shocked and I looks around.
Suddenly Felix's mother's eyes meet the boy's. Felix doesn't look away and neither does his mother. Now there is no doubt anymore... this is his mother. Felix can see tears in her eyes.
She's crying... because of what? She left him and left Felix alone. She has no right to be sad. She has no right to cry over Felix.

Felix gets up and his mother and her boyfriend follow him. Felix looks at his mother one last time and sees that she wants to come towards him, but Felix reacts faster. He looks for the person who called him and finds Changbin and Minho. Without hesitation he runs to the two of them, who of course welcome him with open arms.
"Hey, what's going on?" asks Minho, who was still angry because Felix hadn't written to them like he had actually promised Chan. Felix just presses his face into the Omega's chest and shakes his head. Changbin and Minho look at each other questioningly and then look around the park to find a possible cause for the omega's reaction. Their gaze also stops at the couple, who have their eyes focused on Felix and the two boys. Minho actually recognizes the woman and Changbin can guess who she is.

"Come on, let's go home," Changbin says, taking Felix's hand and accompanying the boy out of the park.
Minho stays back and waits to see if the woman comes towards him, which she actually does. Of course the man follows her.
"Hey, um... what's the boy's name?" the woman asks and Minho looks at her a little angrily.
"And who are you to care?" Minho asks with a venomous tone. The man immediately steps in front of the woman and wants to protect her.
"Hey, be careful how you talk to her," but Minho doesn't shy away.
"It's okay. I'm... I think I'm his mother," she says and Minho just nods. Now he has every reason to be angry with her.
"You think?" Minho asks, amused by the uncertain statement.

The woman just exhales and then hands Minho a card.
"It has my name and phone number on it. He should please call me. I can explain everything to him," she says and puts the card in Minho's hand. She then takes the man by the hand and walks away from Minho.
Minho stares at the card for a while.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Dr. Lee Jessica

Phone number: 085**********

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

Minho pockets the card and then goes to Felix and Changbin, who were waiting for the older Omega in the car. Or rather, Changbin waited. At some point Felix fell asleep in the Alpha's arms.
The day had been strenuous enough.
So many surprises, new memories, new insights and new secrets.
When will the poor boy finally get a break from all the drama?


Hehe, now you got the answer.

It was indeed his mother. But the reason for her disappearance is still unkown.
But will Felix even want to meet his mother? The woman who lied to him and who left him all alone with an abusive rapist.

Also do you want Felix to meet Olivia again?
Because I wasn't going to get her back, but it would also be interesting for them to reunite.
You know, more drama...

Anways, hope you enjoyed it!

Muted // Felix-centricWhere stories live. Discover now